One of the Greatest Freedoms…
This week, I was planning to post my new and updated recipe for Yorkshire Puddings, in time for Yorkshire Pudding Day on Sunday. However, it still needs a little more work to make it fool-proof. The taste and the rise are perfect, but the colouring needs some fine-tuning! I had big plans today, but first… well, first I locked myself and a friend out of the house this morning! That was enough drama for one day, but we worked it out and I then spent a while recovering with a lovely cup of mint mocha!
Back to the Yorkshires. I’ve now made several batches, tweaking them slightly each time to get them just right. Today, I was on the final batch, having made a breakthrough, when suddenly, Alexa stopped speaking. If you know me, you know I love having the radio on all day! It was so very quiet. I realised the power had gone off – not a fuse, but a full power-cut. I got a text from UK Power Networks, clicked the link, and… nothing happened. Because of course, my Wi-Fi decided to have a service outage at the exact same time! Hilarious right! and of course, my mobile phone mast also decided today was the day to have ‘a rest’!
So, it was getting on in the day by now so I lit some candles, found a battery light, then realised it was getting colder without the heating on. You really have to laugh at all the things which were going wrong today! Then I thought, you know what. Yorkshires can wait! Stressing about everything was not going to solve anything and I had done everything I could to be prepared.
Hence this quote:

“One of the greatest freedoms is how we react to things.”
from The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy
Some days, it feels like everything is conspiring against you, and yet, you still have a choice in how you react. So instead of stressing out or giving up, I carried on and did what I could, because sometimes, that’s all you can do.
Which leads perfectly into another quote I love:

‘I give up,’ said Tiny Dragon.
That’s OK,” said Big Panda. “We’ll try again tomorrow.”
from Big Panda and Tiny Dragon by James Norbury.
So… If you were expecting to hear from me today, I’ll get back to you soon!
Tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully, one with everything we take for granted doing what it is supposed to do!
Lastly, a huge thank you to everyone who helped me today! Whether it was offering help, lending me a plug socket, or just being there with a reminder that sometimes, the best thing you can do is keep going. You’re all amazing. ❤️
Quotes are from these books

As always, I love hearing from you about any recipes of mine you try, any ideas you adapt or suggestions you have for future recipes. Today as you’ve read about my day, I’ll happily listen to your shares about yours! A very late post but we got there in the end – yay to WiFi coming back on! Please share and tag me @LifeDietHealth or using #LifeDietHealth on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or X.
Leave me a comment below… I love to chat!
I hope to speak with you soon
Laurena x
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