5 minute Black-forest trifle – make everyone love you!
Trifle is a dessert that I only tend to make when someone asks! Usually I try to avoid it as all the component parts make it far too complicated and time-consuming! Well my friends, this 5 minute Black-forest trifle – will make everyone love you! If you have just a few base ingredients, you can put these gorgeous trifles together in no time!

The Trifle Recipe
When I think of trifle, I think of sponge, jelly, custard and cream (and possibly sprinkles)! Jelly I love in all flavours, especially mango, coconut, raspberry and lime! However, trying to find sugar free vegetarian (or vegan) sachets is near impossible so it’s okay to leave this out! Custard I love too! Creamy, milky, vanilla-y, yum! So, if you have custard in a tin, carton, or can whip some up quickly (it is quite easy), then use custard. If however, custard is not something you keep in stock and you are looking for this to be really quick, just use yogurt!

Vanilla yogurt, natural yogurt, flavoured yogurt, they will all work in this (I used natural soya yogurt). Of course cake! Now, soggy cake is something that has never been my thing! However, the more I think about it, the more I think it was a texture thing of the cake in the jelly! I hear you – if you have cake you eat it so how do you make cake in less than 5 minutes? Well, this recipe uses a 90 second mug cake! Mix it up in 30 seconds, microwave for 60 seconds ta da! No microwave? You can bake it in the oven (it will take a bit longer)!

- 1 tablespoon butter (15g)
- 1 tablespoon sugar (15g)
- 1 tablespoon milk (15ml)
- 2-3 tablespoons plain flour (30-45g)
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon chocolate spread (or nut butter/biscoff spread)
- ——– ———– ———
- small handful frozen black cherries (or sub other fruit)
- pinch of mixed spice
- 5-6 tablespoons yogurt (or custard)
- extra spoons of your chocolate spread (optional)
- Splash or spray of cream (optional)
Add the butter, sugar, milk, flour, baking powder and chocolate spread to a microwaveable mug and mix well until completely combined. Scrape the sides down then microwave for 60 seconds. Allow to cool slightly before turning out to cool.
Put the cherries and the mixed spice in a microwaveable bowl ready to defrost for 30 seconds (when the cake has finished). You want it melted and with sauce.
Get a nice looking glass or pretty bowl ready.
Layer your trifle in as many layers as you like (I like more smaller layers but you can do one of each if you prefer). For example: Sponge, yogurt, fruit (& juice), spread, sponge, yogurt, fruit, spread, sponge, yogurt, then finish with a sponge sprinkle and any remaining fruit.
Tada! It is ready! Of course, you can chill in the fridge to get extra cold, top it with cream or add a chocolate sprinkle if you wish!
These store in the fridge for a couple of days (check your yogurt is in date). Quick snack, easy dessert… or even a special breakfast!
NB: The cake can be mixed and cooked in a muffin case or two on a medium heat for 10-12 minutes if you a microwave-less!
How to serve your trifle
These are delicious just to whip up quickly when someone says no to Christmas Pudding! I would serve these as a dessert, or even for afternoon tea! How about making a few different seasonal desserts so there is lots of choice? Why not try crispy ginger biscuits, or some chocolate coconut snowballs, and of course some mince pies!
Is the trifle easy to store?
If you are making these in advance, you can keep them in the fridge for a couple of days (ensure the yogurt has the same length or longer date). You can make the sponge part a few days before and then assemble when needed just before eating.

What do I need?
These individual trifles look great in any clear glass, but if you are making a few you may want to have them all the same! I have made these in fruit juice glasses, stem glasses, sundae dishes and individual fruit bowls. I’ve chosen a few here which you might like too! I do receive a small commission if you click and purchase through these links (this is at no additional cost to you)!
I love seeing your creations and interpretations of my recipes! Please share my recipes and tag me @LifeDietHealth or using #LifeDietHealth on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter.

I’m sharing these over at Angie’s Fiesta Friday, this week co-hosted by the wonderful Jhuls@The Not So Creative Cook. Come over and see what fantastic festive ideas everyone is sharing! If you’re adding something to the Fiesta, remember to add your links in for a chance to be featured next week!
Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think of these 5 minute black forest trifles? Are you tempted to make them? Will you do chocolate and cherry or do you have dreams of coconut and mango trifles? I would love to hear what you think!
Speak soon
Laurena x
Ooh, that’s a lovely wintry photo with the horses and carriage😋😘I have a confession to make: I’ve never really liked trifle or Black Forest gateau 😝 I made your Pepparkaka biscuits today! I’ll send over a pic. Plus more mince pies and sausage rolls for our hosts tomorrow (didn’t make the puff pastry for those lol). Hope all’s well with you x
Well isn’t it just! 😛 Thank you! Well… me too!!! I have never been a trifle fan (Mum had to carefully give me the custard and jelly without sponge)! and black forest gateau not a fan at all! I think I may have had a really alcoholic version (in Germany I believe) when I was young and it put me off forever! This though! This is so very good! I love black cherries and this cake is not too chocolatey, with the plain yogurt and a touch of chocolate spread… yum!!! Wow you’ve been busy! Well done you! Love your pepparkaka (I need to make some more) – how many have you eaten!?
I like black cherries and yoghurt so I’m sure I could whip up something similar to yours and enjoy it😊 Maybe with crushed ginger biscuits 😜 They’re very moreish, I think I stopped myself after the sixth one lol. You probably had ‘cherry water’ when you were in Germany, it’s a very strong kind of water haha.
My mother-in-law often makes tiramisu which of course has soggy sponge (lady fingers drenched in a red Italian liquor full of E numbers!)
Haha, great minds! That would be totally perfect (I was going to suggest it but thought my previous message was already long)! Now I most definitely need to make some – maybe I should tie it in with making a gingerbread house tomorrow! 😀 Cherry ‘water’ sounds so lame but I’m guessing it’s brandy based which was never my thing! Not a Tiramisu fan either (not being a cream, cream cheese or soggy sponge fan)! Six! lol… yumyum!
I am not a huge fan of anything black forest but this trifle sounds so good, Laurena. I may become a convert because of this. 😀 Thanks for sharing at Fiesta Friday party!
Thanks Jhuls. Yes, I’m not a black forest fan either but this chocolate & cherries with creamy layers inbetween seems to have got me! Thanks for cohosting. I hope all is good with you. x
Seems delicious. Yummy.
Thank you😊I might have made it a few more times this week already!