Browsing Category : Breakfasts

poached pear

Love this quick & easy in season healthy dessert

Poached Pears! I am surprised! I am funny with pears! I am a bit of a pear snob, only electing to eat one particular variety and only if they are almost rock solid! Why then, would I even try this recipe? Well, there are only so many pears you can eat raw and I just thought I would have an…

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Something easy & tasty for your weekend

Apple Turnovers! If you are the more experienced side of forty years old, you may remember that choice in supermarkets used to be very limited. Independent shops were everywhere and you visited the greengrocer, the butchers and the bakers to get your vegetables, meat and pastries. Of course, you can still do that today and I would definitely encourage supporting…

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beans on toast

It’s easy to make your own delicious baked beans

Beans. What do you think of when you think of beans? How about when you think of beans on toast? If I asked about a jacket potato and beans? If you are in the UK, likely is, there is a certain brand of beans in a tin you will think of whenever you think of beans! Of course, there is…

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fruit salad

Let’s get deliciously fruity with an easy fruit salad.

Fruits. How often do you buy fruit with all the good intentions in the world, but then forget about it until it’s getting past its best? Well, I have a solution for you! Go and check out your fruit bowl now. Open your fridge and see what you have hiding in there! Take it all out and put it in…

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pancake stack

Get ready for pancake day with the best pancakes

Pancake day. Happy Pancake Day! Today Tuesday 21st February 2023 is Pancake Day! Also known as Shrove Tuesday, this is an annual event celebrated in the UK and several other countries around the world. The tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday dates back to the Middle Ages when people would use up ingredients like eggs, milk, and sugar before…

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Even vegans can love burns night.

What is Burns Night? Burns Night is a traditional Scottish holiday that celebrates the life and poetry of Robert Burns, the country’s national poet. If you’re following a vegan lifestyle, or partaking in Veganuary, you may be wondering how to celebrate this holiday without eating any animal products. There are always alternatives of course and there are plenty of delicious…

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Focus and make time for all delicious things Seasonal!

Pumpkins! Green pumpkins! White pumpkins! Yellow pumpkins! Stripy pumpkins! Okay, and orange pumpkins! Firstly, if you have a pumpkin field, farm or farm shop near you. Go and have a look! There are so many different varieties of pumpkin, each with their own unique flavour profile. Some pumpkins (aka squash) taste like courgette, some like marrow (there’s other things I…

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Love your jam and easily make delicious variations too

Jam. When I think of jam, I think of strawberry jam spread on toast, or raspberry jam tarts, neither of which I have ever enjoyed! Growing up, we were more a Marmite on toast family, with a giant jar always in the cupboard. Or, we had cheese on toast, or beans on toast. I think jam in our house was…

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chia pudding

Make a quick & tasty healthy snack with chia.

Chia Seeds. If you are in the UK, you may recall chia seeds as quite a recent product. When I showed one of my friends them however, she remembered having them daily in her home country about 30 years ago! Chia seeds were until recently, always imported, but now they have been grown successfully in the UK. What do I…

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