Browsing Category : Breakfasts

Vegan Dandelion Honey – Syrup

Vegan Dandelion Honey – Syrup Interesting but delicious! I have never been a honey fan! Sure, I will drizzle maple syrup on my pancakes, or make flapjack cookies with golden syrup, but honey has never been my thing! Why then, would I decide to make vegan dandelion honey syrup? Well, I wanted to see how it was! Does it taste…

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Banana Bread

Well. This was an unexpected delight! When I logged in to my Instagram yesterday, I saw Banana Bread Challenge! Well, I love a challenge and I love Banana Bread! So… as I had nothing else pressing to do except sit in the garden 😛 I took up the challenge and invented this delicious new recipe! It’s good! Much easier ingredients…

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waffles on a plate with berries and ice cream

Two wafflelly good recipes for perfect waffles

Two wafflelly good recipes for perfect waffles Waffles are one of those foods which I only ever used to have when out as I thought they were too fiddly to make! What I have learnt though, is you can make them similar to a pancake batter and bake them in a silicon mould in the oven. I do love pancakes…

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Have a Fantastic FoodSavvy Pancake Day!

Why Pancakes? ? Pancakes are traditionally a way of using up all the leftover rich foods before the start of the Christian period of Lent. Eggs, fats and milk based foods were all used up on Shrove Tuesday (a.k.a. Pancake Day) prior to the 40 days of fasting. Nowadays, whilst some people do still follow this tradition, the majority of…

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White plate with three blueberry muffins.

Blueberry Muffins!

Yum! Muffins, blueberries, light and fluffy, soft and cakey, breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks! 😀 These are most definitely a winner in our house! This is a plant based recipe, so there’s no eggs needed and we’ve tried to use ingredients which are easy to find and you might even have in the house already (what do you mean you…

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Keep Warm & Happy with Spiced Chocolate Porridge

Start your day right with a delicious warming bowl of porridge! Now the colder weather has arrived it is great to have a hot breakfast to get you ready for the day ahead. 🙂 Now, I know many people say they are short of time in the morning, but this only takes 5 minutes to prepare and it will a)…

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Pumpkin Spice Latte

November is here! Wow, where did the last ten months go?! I could say, that now is the time to check how your yearly goals are going, but instead I’m going to ask what you’re doing with your pumpkins!? So, whether or not you carved pumpkins and filled them with candles, have a selection of colourful mini squashes and pumpkins…

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Spiced Apple Pots

So simple but so delicious! Have them for breakfast, snack or dessert. You can add as many layers as you like (or that fit in your pot)! The spice I have used is cinnamon as this pairs so well with apple, but you could also used mixed spice, nutmeg or even ginger to suit your own tastes. It is important…

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scrambled tofu

Appearances can be deceptive… this is not scrambled egg!

I have been wanting to try this for such a long time and I had all the ingredients! I think, because scrambled egg always left a lingering taste, that I was just not ready to try it. Well… more fool me! 😛 This is so much better than scrambled egg! I almost had the boys fooled, but they knew I…

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