Browsing Category : Breakfasts

Pancakes for the Weekend!

You can never have too many pancakes can you!? 😀 ??? We love pancakes in this house and although we have now stopped making them daily (yes we really did for a long time)! they are still made regularly! We usually have pancakes for breakfast or brunch, but as we love them so much, we might make them for afternoon…

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Hot Cross Bun Loaf

Here’s an early Easter present to yourself! Make this delicious hot cross bun loaf and have a slice or two for breakfast or afternoon tea (or elevenses if that’s still a thing?)! So, the school holidays are already drawing to a close but we’re making the most of it! As you’re reading this, hopefully I am sitting by a pool…

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Brighten up your weekend with this Brilliant breakfast

Breakfast! You know you should always eat something first thing right? Well, you wouldn’t drive your car without putting fuel in it (or charging it 😛 !) I know some people can’t face anything first thing, but we should all try to eat within a couple of hours of waking – even if it’s just a piece of fruit! ???…

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Holiday Pancakes

Okay, so you can have pancakes any time of the day or year but most people have more time to make them when they’re not rushing off to work or school! 🙂  Pancakes are a great breakfast food, especially when you have guests, and these ones are suitable for everyone! 😀 Of course, they are not just for breakfast! You…

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New website! New recipes! Frittata!

Finally!!! Yes, at long long last I have managed to move my blog over to a self-hosted site! The new site will still have weekly recipes but it will also have so much more! 😀 Please use the sign-up form so you don’t miss out… even if you were already signed up before! Please note you will no longer receive…

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Topped Pancakes!

Topped Pancakes Pancakes? Yes, I know! 😛 I haven’t had pancakes for ages and as I used to have them nearly every morning, I thought it was time for a revival! 😀 Topped pancakes might make you think that I usually eat them plain… which very occasionally I might do, but usually I load them up or stuff them with all…

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Not just for Breakfast…Granola!

Not just for Breakfast… Granola! I’m 100% certain I’m not the only one who eats ‘breakfast’ at all times of day!? 😛 How many of you have opted for a bowl of crunchy cereal or a couple of bits of toast for lunch, a snack or even dinner?! 😀 Maybe that’s not tradition where you are, to have cereal or…

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Breakfast Bars… customisable, vegan & Free-From!

Breakfast Bars…customisable, vegan & free-from! Want something quick and easy for breakfast? Need something portable if you’re always on the run? These breakfast bars will definitely do the job! Did I plan them? Well no, not really! What happened? The allotment happened! 😛 Do you know how quick and freely without any attention rhubarb grows? So we’ve had crumble, ice-cream…

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Easter Hacks: aka Cheats Hot Cross Buns!

Easter Hacks: aka Cheats Hot Cross Buns! OH MY GOSH!!! Yes.. I need to shout! 😛 Last year I created my own free from hot cross buns which were amazing and if you have the time I’d highly recommend them BUT… they do take a long time AND wouldn’t you rather be doing something else like eating making chocolate or…

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