Browsing Category : Breakfasts

Potato Cakes – Freefrom & Vegan

Potato Cakes – Freefrom & Vegan Want something quick, hot, tasty and good for you?! Of course you do! 🙂 These delicious potato cakes can be eaten topped with nut butter or jam, split and buttered, stuffed with your favourite filling or even just eaten plain… maybe to mop up your savoury sauces! Simple, less than five ingredients, wholesome and easy…

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Bursting Blueberry Pancakes… Vegan and Gluten Free!

Bursting Blueberry Pancakes… Vegan and Gluten Free! Better late than never! 😛 Happy weekend everyone! Earlier this week my Autumnal cheesey vegan burgers were featured at Deborah’s plant based pot luck party 🙂 I intended to take something else to the party this week but I didn’t expect it to take so long for me to post! So, here are…

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Chia Chocolate Porridge

Chia Chocolate Porridge What a VERY busy week! and a neglected blog! 🙁 I have a valid reason though! My son was on a school trip… not just for a day but for a whole week!!! No phones allowed either so it was a whole week with the only contact being just one text from school on the first day to say…

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Chocolate Breakfast Sadza (maize porridge)

Chocolate Breakfast Sadza Okay, so the lovely warm weather in the UK has finally decided it’s time to disappear… just as the school holidays start! How can it be 26 degrees (c) one day and 11 the next?! Oh and the rain! It actually rained non-stop ALL day on Friday! ALL day! From when I woke until when I slept…

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Cereal bars… Healthy & Free From

Cereal bars… Healthy & Free From Hello all! 🙂 Better late than not at all! 😛 🙂 Another week has flown past and I’ve had even less time to myself than I did previously! I will try to keep posting at least a couple of times a week over the next month but please be patient if I don’t manage…

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Breakfast Brownies!!! Yes you CAN!!! Healthy and free from!

Breakfast Brownies!!! Yes you CAN!!! Healthy and free from! Hello… I know I said I wouldn’t post on a Sunday but as I missed yesterday I thought I’d share this gorgeous recipe with you! It’s been busy busy me again this week but last night I gave in as I needed chocolate and cake! 🙂 I’ve been so busy with hardly…

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Vegan Frittata

Vegan Frittata So, we came back from  our short break very late at night and of course we had no food for the morning (brunch time)! Aghhh! I was hungry and needing something quick and nutritious so this dish was created from nothing! 😛 Well, of course it wasn’t but we had nothing fresh – no vegetables, no fruit, no beans…

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O = Oats & Oranges…!!!

Oats & Oranges Now that’s something you don’t see together every day! Oaty oranges! 😛 We were trying to think up something other than oranges which could be for the A-Z Challenge letter and then I thought OMGosh… I use oats almost every day! Usually I put them in my blender and turn them into flour and make pancakes or bread…

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E = Easy Eggfree Dessert! (dairy free & gluten free too)!

E = Easy Eggfree Dessert! (dairy free & gluten free too)! Hello and welcome back to my A-Z challenge! Today was a bit of a tricky one to think of, with only eggplant and endive springing to mind (and not my mind either)! 😛 Anyway, I was playing with some ingredients and suddenly this idea jumped out at me! I know!…

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