Browsing Category : sweet


Scones… or biscuits if you’re across the seas! 😛 are a versatile recipe which can be put together quicker than a cake! 😀 Light, fluffy and either sweet or savoury, scones are a great snack to be able to make! If you’ve found yourself shut in at home, you might (like us) have been baking more?! We have been making…

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Banoffee Pie

Banana. Toffee. Biscuit. Cream. Chocolate. Oh yes!!! This is a recipe I have been playing with for a long time. When I was younger, in my pre-plant-based days, banoffee pie was one of those desserts I would always choose! There’s just something about all that creamy caramelly filling, with a crunchy biscuit and fresh banana that makes you feel like…

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Banana Bread

Well. This was an unexpected delight! When I logged in to my Instagram yesterday, I saw Banana Bread Challenge! Well, I love a challenge and I love Banana Bread! So… as I had nothing else pressing to do except sit in the garden 😛 I took up the challenge and invented this delicious new recipe! It’s good! Much easier ingredients…

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Cooked hot cross buns on a wire rack.

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns Good Friday is traditionally the day when Hot Cross Buns are eaten… that’s not to say you can’t eat (or make) them at other times! Hot cross Buns are one of those things that are great to keep in the freezer for when you have hungry teenagers asking ‘what’s for snack?’! 😛 I’m actually eating one now…

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waffles on a plate with berries and ice cream

Two wafflelly good recipes for perfect waffles

Two wafflelly good recipes for perfect waffles Waffles are one of those foods which I only ever used to have when out as I thought they were too fiddly to make! What I have learnt though, is you can make them similar to a pancake batter and bake them in a silicon mould in the oven. I do love pancakes…

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You’ll love these easy Banana Muffins!

Yes! Trial and error has created these amazing easy muffins! 😀 Not going out… So, with not going out to get shopping so much, we have once again been baking at home (hooray, less plastic too)! Every day (or couple of days), I ask ‘What shall I bake today?’ As we had a few bananas that were starting to get…

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You’ll be crazy for these delicious apple dumplings

This is one of my Mum’s recipes! When I was growing up, we used to always have dessert… every day, probably twice at weekends! I suddenly realised that although I know how to make most of Mums savoury items, the desserts, bakes and cakes I don’t have the recipes for! I had forgotten about these delicious pastry encased apples –…

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White plate with three blueberry muffins.

Blueberry Muffins!

Yum! Muffins, blueberries, light and fluffy, soft and cakey, breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks! 😀 These are most definitely a winner in our house! This is a plant based recipe, so there’s no eggs needed and we’ve tried to use ingredients which are easy to find and you might even have in the house already (what do you mean you…

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Chocolate Snowballs

Are you getting all festive? Snowballs have to be made at this time of year don’t you think? Whether or not you have snow, these delicious chocolate coconutty bites just need to be made… and devoured! 😀 These also make great gifts and can be boxed or bagged, with pretty ribbons or raffia, a homemade gift-tag or even a tree…

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