Browsing Category : Burgers

veggie sausages

Sausages… of the non-meat variety!

Sausages… of the non-meat variety! I love these so much I’ve made them twice in a week! I still can’t decide thoughย if I like them better hot or cold! ๐Ÿ˜› I’m glad I’ve got some ready made in the fridge because my cooker… well, my cooker is waiting for an engineer! These are such a handy food to have about…

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Back to Basics: Falafel

Back to Basics: Falafel What! No falafel recipe on my blog! HOW could that happen! Oops! It’s something we make quite a bit in some shape or form! ๐Ÿ˜€ย I also realised that I haven’t posted in the Back to Basics series for a while, so here is a delicious falafel recipe for you. In the oven five minutes after you’ve…

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Anyone for Burgers? Vegan & Free-From

Anyone for Burgers? Vegan & Free-From Firstly, please excuse the photos! These were so yummy they were munched before a good shot was taken! ๐Ÿ˜› I almost made some more just so I could post a better photo but decided to make bread instead! ๐Ÿ˜€ Anyway? How has your week been? In the UK it was Fathers Day at the…

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Green Banana Nut Cutlets – Vegan & Free-From

Green Banana Nut Cutlets – Vegan & Free-From Stay there… don’t run away! ๐Ÿ˜› This recipe intrigued me when I first heard about it from Zeba @FoodfortheSoul ๐Ÿ™‚ So I went out and sourced green bananas! Not plaintains- actual green bananas!!! If you’ve never had green bananas they are sticky! They are impossible to peel and they are rock solid!…

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Autumnal Cheesey Vegan Burgers!

Autumnal Cheesey Vegan Burgers I feel a bit bad at not having posted all week! Gone are the “I’m too busy to think” days and instead I have the “try all those creations I’ve been saving all Summer” days! Already in my September photo file I have over 30 delicious healthy, free from, vegan foods to share… I just need…

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Kismet & Kofte!

Kismet & Kofte Happy Monday Everyone! Here in the UK most children returned to school today after the Easter break – ours is back tomorrow so one more fun filled day! ๐Ÿ™‚ So, today I am on theย letter on my A-Z blogging challenge! After having a day off yesterday I almost forgot I hadn’t thought about todays post! ๐Ÿ˜› So……

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Valentines or Anytime Chickpea patties (DEGF)

Valentines <3 or Anytime Chickpea patties (DEGF) Happy Monday! One more week of school before a week off for half-term break and what better way to start the holidays than a Valentines treat! <3 Hopefully you have reason to enjoy and embrace Valentines Day with a loved one, but if you are single there’s no reason not to treat yourself!…

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