Browsing Category : Chickpeas

Plant Based 1 – 0 Meat Munchers!

Plant Based 1 – 0 Meat Munchers! It’s hot!!! VERY hot! UK has suddenly had #hottestdayoftheyear ! Yesterday it was 32c/90f degrees… again ! This might not seem hot to you (depending where you are), but the UK July average is only 21c / 70f degrees! H. O. T. ! Which means salads and fruits and picnics and barbecues 😀 Which we’ve…

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Aubergine & Chickpea Vegan Bake

Aubergine & Chickpea Vegan Bake So, I am another year older 😀 and have spent almost the whole week being spoilt one way or another! I’ve seen friends, eaten out, been to my parents, had presents, cake, chocolate, been shopping and even been to the park! 😀 Have a look… Anyway, the recipe which I am sharing today is inspired by two…

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Vegan Chilli – it’s hot hot hot!!!

Vegan Chilli – it’s hot hot hot!!! It’s quick! 🙂 It’s tasty! 🙂 It’s spicy! 🙂 This started out as a ‘what can I use the last black beans in’ and turned into something SO delicious that BOTH boys ate it without question! 😛 Yes… the meat munchers gobbled this down and I didn’t even hear a ‘what no meat?’…

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Chickpea fritters Vegan tasty and quick!

Chickpea fritters Vegan tasty and quick! Hello everyone! I missed you all! So so busy here but no time to think let alone cook, bake or blog! 🙁 These yummy fritters were rustled up in next to no time (in my new 1250w food processor 🙂 ) and are a delicious on the go snack as well as being great…

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Sorry! and a lovely vegan speedy dinner!

Sorry!!! and a lovely vegan speedy dinner! OMGosh! Sorry everyone! I’ve never left you for that long! 🙁 It’s been almost a week since my last post and you wouldn’t believe how so VERY busy I’ve been! I’ve not even had a second to check emails this week! and unfortunately for the next few months I will only get busier!…

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Quick Quinoa! (Yes… its Q of the A-Z Challenge)

Quick Quinoa Q for my A-Z alphabet challenge was always going to be quinoa! (pronounced keen-wah). Quinoa is a grain which contains high amounts of protein and is actually one of the few plants foods which is classed as a complete protein! Yes meat eaters! See… there are plant foods which are complete proteins too! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Quinoa also…

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DEGF Speedy Chickpea Biryani… a challenge for you!!!

Speedy Chickpea Biryani… a challenge for you! 🙂 As you probably know I like to use my own recipes which I have created from scratch 🙂 However, this is a challenge not set by me, but by the British Children’s Food Trust ‘Lets Get Cooking’ team. The idea is that this weekend starting from TODAY everyone should cook the same speedy…

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North African Inspired Tagine Style Chickpeas

North African Inspired Tagine style Chickpeas How exciting! I’ve just received my bespoke organic vegetable delivery and it looks like I’m going to be busy! As well as the regular vegetables I also have some red Jerusalem artichokes (grown locally in the UK), a very large purple kohlrabi, a tub of mixed sprouts, some golden globe beetroot, fresh horseradish and……

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