Browsing Category : Chickpeas

Valentines or Anytime Chickpea patties (DEGF)

Valentines <3 or Anytime Chickpea patties (DEGF) Happy Monday! One more week of school before a week off for half-term break and what better way to start the holidays than a Valentines treat! <3 Hopefully you have reason to enjoy and embrace Valentines Day with a loved one, but if you are single there’s no reason not to treat yourself!…

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Chick Pea Curry in a Hurry!

Chick Pea Curry in a Hurry This is one of my favourite meals at the minute. I love chick peas. I eat lots of chick peas! They are tasty, easy to prepare and can be used in all sorts of dishes. Chick peas also of course contain lots of protein… in fact chick peas are almost a fifth protein! A massive…

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Mixed Pea Pepper: A quick & nutritious vegetarian meal.

Mixed Pea Pepper I am confident that today will be a better day! You can not imagine the time I wasted yesterday trying to do what should have been an easy and simple transaction! I spent an hour and a half at the train station and another hour on the phone to them and what was the outcome? I had…

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