Browsing Category : main meals


Make this oh so simple but delicious Guacamole to share

Avocado. Guacamole is something we make quite a bit at home, often without a recipe, just adjusting as we go until it tastes delicious. You might be thinking, but avocado? Yes, as much as I love guacamole, I am definitely a marmite on my toast kind of girl! To me, an avocado should only be eaten mixed with something else!…

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vegan meatballs

Vegan Swedish meatballs everyone will love you to make at home

Swedish Meatballs aka Vegan Burgers As with most things in the Life Diet Health kitchen, these started out without a clue what they would become! After tasting the diced vegetables as they cooked, I knew with that wonderful flavour they could easily become something much greater than the bolognese I had planned. So my dinner plans went out the window…

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penne pasta

Back to Basics: Quick & Easy Pasta everyone can make

Easy Pasta One of the foods cooked most often in my house, is probably pasta. At least once, if not two or even three times a week, pasta is requested! When you are short of time and want something quick, easy, cheap and filling, pasta is the answer! Any type of pasta can be used, just use whatever you have.…

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seared lettuce with yogurt dressing and pomegranate

Lettuce can be more exciting than you think! Learn to love it!

Little Gems! I know it is January and it’s more soup, stew, casserole and pie weather, but we still need to get our vegetables in for those all important vitamins and minerals. Now, I would not usually recommend what I am going to, but this is too good not to do! Why lettuce though? There is a food sharing app…

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mini wellingtons with salad

Wishing you Happy Holidays & Season’s Greetings… and Eatings!

Vegan Wellington Firstly, I would like to wish you all a wonderful festive season, full of happiness, laughter, and good health. The recipe I am sharing today is a great one for saving time! Why? This base recipe can be made for a delicious vegetarian or vegan base, then made into different dishes. Originally I was making a plant based…

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winter salad in white bowl

Give yourself a healthy boost with this seasonal warm winter salad

Warm Winter Salad There are so many seasonal recipes I could have posted, but I decided to go with a lighter healthier option and make a winter salad. I have used the Brussels sprout as the star of this dish and put different flavours together than I have before! These ingredients complement each other really well, and each brings its…

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vegan chicken chunk with sesame seeds

Try not fried, not chicken, and love this meat free version.

Not Chicken One of my favourite vegan ‘meat’ alternatives has to be chicken. Now, I’ve not actually eaten real chicken for over 30 years so I’m guessing I actually have no idea what it tastes like and I just like vegan chicken! I can eat it any way – sliced plain, tikka style chunks, breaded, battered, and anything inbetween. A…

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baba ganoush

Try these aubergine recipes to find a new love

Aubergines or Eggplants It always amazes me when people confuse aubergines with courgettes! So many times I have been asked at the checkout ‘these are courgettes right?’ or even asked ‘what are these?’ So, let’s get this straight. Aubergines are most often black or purple, shiny skinned and usually a bit bulbous. When buying you should look for bright and…

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