Browsing Category : salads

Sizzling Shiraz Salad!

Sizzling Shiraz Salad 😛 Doesn’t that sound great!? Sizzling Shiraz Salad!? Well, Shiraz is a fantastic variety of mangetout – a purple podded type! No alcohol here if you were hoping! 😛 Don’t be disappointed though because this warm sizzling salad is so delicious you’ll soon forget I even mentioned Shiraz! 😀 Last weekend we were at a Farmers Market…

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Plant Based 1 – 0 Meat Munchers!

Plant Based 1 – 0 Meat Munchers! It’s hot!!! VERY hot! UK has suddenly had #hottestdayoftheyear ! Yesterday it was 32c/90f degrees… again ! This might not seem hot to you (depending where you are), but the UK July average is only 21c / 70f degrees! H. O. T. ! Which means salads and fruits and picnics and barbecues 😀 Which we’ve…

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Square white dish with homemade houmous drizzled with olive oil, with a side of sliced pitta bread.

Back to Basics: Houmous!

Back to Basics: Houmous You know, houmous is one of those things which automatically gets added to the weekly shop without too much thought but it’s really so simple to make your own and takes about as long to make as it does to wrestle the box out of the cardboard sleeve and remove the plastic! 😀 Houmous (or hummus / humus) is…

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Tropical Rice Salad

Tropical Rice Salad  . Hello everyone! 🙂 Well, what a busy weekend I had! If you read my last post ‘zingy marbled cheesecake’ then you’ll know that I was co-hosting the weekly Fiesta Friday blog party! 🙂 Usually if I am looking at recipes they are foods which mostly meet my health needs i.e. dairy free, gluten free and refined…

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Picnic Food! Yummy Buckwheat and Chickpea Salad

Picnic Food! Yummy Buckwheat and Chickpea Salad I forgot! I don’t like buckwheat! 😛 Lol! I needed something for lunch and having made quinoa lunches the last few times decided to try something else. Looking for grains in the pantry I spotted buckwheat groats lurking at the back. Thinking they would do, I cooked them up and remembered… I don’t…

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Not-feta salad! It’s vegan!!!

Not-feta salad! 🙂 It’s vegan!!! 🙂 I’m so busy and don’t have time to write much but I just HAD to share this with you! This is just amazing! When I was on the plane to Istanbul last month the girl I sat next to shared this great tip with me 🙂 (I know! … how amazing that she had vegan…

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W= Waiting. W= Worrying. W=Walnuts.

W= Waiting. W= Worrying. W=Walnuts. Happy new week people! 🙂 This is the last week of the A-Z Challenge and it’s all the trickier letters! I was having a conversation with Milica over at Delicious Peace of Mind and the idea of posting W=Worries came up! Milica’s latest post is also a ‘W’ recipe (what a coincidence! 😛 ) so head on…

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S = Simple Shepherds Salad

Simple Shepherds Salad Who is having a productive week then?! I most certainly am! 😛 With the lighter longer days it’s sort out the junk week, spring cleaning time, clear the clutter days and then realise how wonderful your surroundings are! My garden is looking better day after day, several trees are blossoming for the first time ever (that’s so…

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Courgetti with Quick Pomodoro Sauce

Courgetti with Quick Pomodoro Sauce A very quick post today but nonetheless full of nutrition and flavour! 🙂 Courgetti! 🙂 I don’t know what we did before we had the spiraliser! It is fantastic and great fun too! This is a quick dish for hungry footballers! 😛 🙂 If you don’t have a spiraliser, go and buy one! then you…

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