Browsing Category : Sides

Fritters! Yumyum!

Fritters! Yumyum! You know when you’re hungry but don’t want to eat junk? When you open the fridge and there’s nothing to eat (apart from a drawer full of vegetables and a carton of coconut milk)? When there’s no bread in the house, no ready meals (aka something you made previously and froze)! not even a stash of pancakes!? 😛…

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Back to Basics: Roasted Vegetables

Back to Basics: Roasted Vegetables Crispy outside, soft and tender inside, a hint of spice and a whole load of flavour! What’s not to like? 🙂 In the UK the weather has most certainly turned Autumnal, several people have already fired up the central heating and the coats have come out of hiding! There is a definite chill in the…

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Stress-Free Holidays and a quick healthy ketchup!

Stress-Free Holidays and a quick healthy ketchup! I know! A different title this week but I thought it was about time I addressed the ‘Life’ section of my blog again as many people find the school holidays tiresome. If, you are like me – you relish the thought of having the kids at home for the summer. 😀 You have…

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Plant Based 1 – 0 Meat Munchers!

Plant Based 1 – 0 Meat Munchers! It’s hot!!! VERY hot! UK has suddenly had #hottestdayoftheyear ! Yesterday it was 32c/90f degrees… again ! This might not seem hot to you (depending where you are), but the UK July average is only 21c / 70f degrees! H. O. T. ! Which means salads and fruits and picnics and barbecues 😀 Which we’ve…

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Square white dish with homemade houmous drizzled with olive oil, with a side of sliced pitta bread.

Back to Basics: Houmous!

Back to Basics: Houmous You know, houmous is one of those things which automatically gets added to the weekly shop without too much thought but it’s really so simple to make your own and takes about as long to make as it does to wrestle the box out of the cardboard sleeve and remove the plastic! 😀 Houmous (or hummus / humus) is…

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Tropical Rice Salad

Tropical Rice Salad  . Hello everyone! 🙂 Well, what a busy weekend I had! If you read my last post ‘zingy marbled cheesecake’ then you’ll know that I was co-hosting the weekly Fiesta Friday blog party! 🙂 Usually if I am looking at recipes they are foods which mostly meet my health needs i.e. dairy free, gluten free and refined…

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Valentines Thoughts & Sugar Free Chia Jam

Valentines Thoughts & Sugar Free Chia Jam Mixed feelings abound on this day! If you’re in a new relationship then this day will probably be filled with loads of romantic gestures   If you’re married or in a long-term relationship then this could be the day where one of you gets into trouble for not doing enough! Maybe you’ve ‘agreed’ that you…

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Kurdish Shifta. . . vegan and free-from

Shifta. . . vegan and free-from Shifta, not to be confused with Shifti (watermelon) is a traditionally Kurdish home cooked (and deep fried) food. Not often found in restaurants or as street-food, shifta are something you may not have come across – unless you are Kurdish, have Kurdish friends or Kurdish family! 😀 These little fritters are normally made from diced…

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Potato Cakes – Freefrom & Vegan

Potato Cakes – Freefrom & Vegan Want something quick, hot, tasty and good for you?! Of course you do! 🙂 These delicious potato cakes can be eaten topped with nut butter or jam, split and buttered, stuffed with your favourite filling or even just eaten plain… maybe to mop up your savoury sauces! Simple, less than five ingredients, wholesome and easy…

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