Browsing Category : Sides

Back to Basics: Roasted Tomatoes

Back to Basics: Roasted Tomatoes To me, roasted tomatoes are so simple, that a recipe is not really required. However, I do realise that some people might not even think of making these… and that is a real shame as they are so very very tasty! The roasted tomato recipe Any type of tomatoes will work for this but as…

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Three vol au vents on a plate with various vegan fillings

Let’s go Retro! Re-invented Vol au Vents!

Let’s go Retro! Re-invented Vol au Vents! Yes indeed! Let’s go retro! This week I was set a challenge to make vol au vents! Well depending on how old you are will depend if you even know what I am talking about! Vol au vents were 1980’s must have party food! Little round puff pastry cases with a hole to…

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5 Easy Summer Salads

5 Easy Summer Salads When the weather is heating up, cooking is generally the last thing on your mind – who wants to slave away in the kitchen when the sun is shining?! So, light the barbeque, skewer some veg, marinate some tofu (or meat/ fish/ chicken) and prepare these 5 easy summer salads to go with your meal! Salad…

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Chickpea curry in a bowl with baked potato, salad and yogurt

Easiest chickpea curry ever!

Easiest chickpea curry ever! Oh my gosh, this really is the easiest chickpea curry ever! If you ever told me that curry could be made so easily, I really would not have believed you! This recipe was created from my laziness and the want for something warming, comforting and nutritious. If you can open some tins, measure spices, chop an…

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Fluffy Cornmeal Savoury Muffins

Fluffy Cornmeal Savoury Muffins You know when you crave some carbs but think you should be healthy and not stuff yourself with white bread? Well, enter the fluffy cornmeal savoury muffins! Oh, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with white bread but sometimes you just need something a bit ‘more!’ The Muffin recipe We wanted to make something…

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Houmous… mint & spinach

Convenience Houmous is one of those wonderful easy to make foods which we tend to pick up in the supermarket rather than bother to make our own! Sure, it is easy to pick up tub or two of plain, low fat, sundried tomato or caramelised onion houmous, but why not try making it? and you’ll save on the plastic too…

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Need Spice? You’ll love this Salsa!

Are you in a food rut and need to spice up your meals? Do you need something quick and easy to add flavour to your lunch or dinner? Fancy a quick dip for your nachos or a spread for your sandwiches? Serve this with sausages, burgers, or scrambled egg. This spicy salsa can be on the table in less than…

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You’ll love this money savvy Dal

This lentil dish is spicy, warming, nutritious, protein packed and a fantastic budget meal for when you need to stretch your money a bit further! 😀 Where do I get lentils? More and more supermarkets are now stocking a wider range of lentils so you can easily add these to your weekly shop. I have used Yellow Mung Dal in…

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Chana Saag Dal

I used to think that I could only have Indian style food from a take-away! I thought it was much too difficult and time consuming to make my own dals! Okay, so you do need a bit of time, but you can easily make a dal without too much effort – once you know how! If you’re not au fait…

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