Browsing Category : snacks

English Muffins

English Muffins Wow! Straight from the oven these muffins have got to be one of the best things I have ever made! OMGosh! Totally amazing! 😀 You should must make these! Like right now! The Muffin Recipe This recipe uses straightforward ingredients, similar to breadmaking. Plain flour, yeast, sugar, salt, butter and milk. Obviously if you are vegan you can…

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Biscoff brownie squares on a wire baking rack

Decadent Vegan Biscoff Brownies

Decadent Vegan Biscoff Brownies Oh yes you need these brownies! If you only have one brownie recipe, or only one cake recipe, make it this one! You know when you want something so delicious, so sweet and worthy of its decadence… this is it! Seriously you really need to make these vegan biscoff brownies! The Brownie Recipe We’ve tried to…

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Vegan Dandelion Honey – Syrup

Vegan Dandelion Honey – Syrup Interesting but delicious! I have never been a honey fan! Sure, I will drizzle maple syrup on my pancakes, or make flapjack cookies with golden syrup, but honey has never been my thing! Why then, would I decide to make vegan dandelion honey syrup? Well, I wanted to see how it was! Does it taste…

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Fluffy Cornmeal Savoury Muffins

Fluffy Cornmeal Savoury Muffins You know when you crave some carbs but think you should be healthy and not stuff yourself with white bread? Well, enter the fluffy cornmeal savoury muffins! Oh, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with white bread but sometimes you just need something a bit ‘more!’ The Muffin recipe We wanted to make something…

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Houmous… mint & spinach

Convenience Houmous is one of those wonderful easy to make foods which we tend to pick up in the supermarket rather than bother to make our own! Sure, it is easy to pick up tub or two of plain, low fat, sundried tomato or caramelised onion houmous, but why not try making it? and you’ll save on the plastic too…

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Cooked hot cross buns on a wire rack.

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns Good Friday is traditionally the day when Hot Cross Buns are eaten… that’s not to say you can’t eat (or make) them at other times! Hot cross Buns are one of those things that are great to keep in the freezer for when you have hungry teenagers asking ‘what’s for snack?’! 😛 I’m actually eating one now…

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waffles on a plate with berries and ice cream

Two wafflelly good recipes for perfect waffles

Two wafflelly good recipes for perfect waffles Waffles are one of those foods which I only ever used to have when out as I thought they were too fiddly to make! What I have learnt though, is you can make them similar to a pancake batter and bake them in a silicon mould in the oven. I do love pancakes…

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You’ll love these easy Banana Muffins!

Yes! Trial and error has created these amazing easy muffins! 😀 Not going out… So, with not going out to get shopping so much, we have once again been baking at home (hooray, less plastic too)! Every day (or couple of days), I ask ‘What shall I bake today?’ As we had a few bananas that were starting to get…

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Have a Fantastic FoodSavvy Pancake Day!

Why Pancakes? ? Pancakes are traditionally a way of using up all the leftover rich foods before the start of the Christian period of Lent. Eggs, fats and milk based foods were all used up on Shrove Tuesday (a.k.a. Pancake Day) prior to the 40 days of fasting. Nowadays, whilst some people do still follow this tradition, the majority of…

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