Browsing Category : Soups

lentil soup

Love this healing plant based soup for the soul.

Soup! I know it is supposed to be sunny and warm and summery, but when the rain comes, soup can be the perfect easy meal. This soup is my go to when I’m in need of a boost! For headaches, for fatigue, for wanting to feel healthy after eating too much cake, this soup really is for the soul! This…

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celery soup

The best things in life are free…

Waste not want not! This was not a planned recipe! Well, not entirely, but when you are gifted 4 packs of celery, correction, frozen celery (yes, that is a thing), then experimentation commences! Now, celery is not something I often buy because there are many other foods I’d rather spend my money on, but I do eat it… sometimes! I’ve…

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seasonal summer soup

Make this delicious soup full of seasonal produce

Soup in summer! You may think that soup is only for the Winter months, but when you have a glut of homegrown produce, soup is a great easy nourishing meal to make. In the UK, it is time for courgettes (zucchini), aubergines and beans to be harvested, with some tomatoes and peppers almost ready too! What a fantastic way to…

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tacos leftovers

Save money with these top five ideas for leftovers!

Use what you have! With the prices of food steadily increasing, now more than ever many people are finding they have less money to spend on everyday items. That said, there is still tonnes of food thrown away daily, either through lack of planning or awareness of the issues. How much food do people throw food away? Food waste is…

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plant based

Can I challenge you to add more nutrients & delicious…

Tempted by a Challenge? This morning I joined a discussion about adding more plant based foods into the diet and the #eat30 challenge was mentioned. Before you get in a panic and think I am going to suggest you eat 30 different portions of fruit and vegetables in a day, haha (could you?) let me explain. This challenge is not…

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pumpkin soup

Magic yourself more time with this delicious 2 ingredient soup!

Time. This time of year there are so many things to be getting on with that sometimes everyday food almost gets forgotten! There are cards to write (oops)! Presents to buy. Decorations to put up. Invites to respond to. Nativities, concerts and pantomimes to attend! Or maybe assignments to finish and exams to take. There are travel plans, dinner menus…

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veg soup

The Soup for a tasty, quick & easy energy boost!

Cream of Greens. Have you ever tasted a deliciously creamy soup and wished you could replicate it? I have discovered, that many people are too scared to make their own soup, and I myself recently witnessed a very poor attempt. However, once you have the know how, you will wonder why you ever bought all those tins, cartons and packets!…

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