Dehydrator testing… Fruit leathers
Hello 🙂 Firstly can I say thank you to you all for reading Life Diet Health blog! I know I’ve said it before but I just wanted you all to know that you are all appreciated! and appreciated some more! 🙂 For reading, for liking, for commenting, for suggestions and for following! 🙂
I am not disappearing but I need to rearrange a few things over the next couple of months so I might not be posting as often! When I do post, you might find I just give you a photo and brief ingredients, or there again I might just go rambling on like I often do! 😛 🙂 Anyway, please keep liking and commenting 🙂 and if I don’t reply to your comments for a few days or a few more than that, please forgive me… I will get around to it eventually! 🙂 I have lots of recipes waiting to be posted but it’s finding the time and the energy along with everything else which I have suddenly been asked to do!
For now… here’s an experiment we did in our new (cheap to see if we use it enough) dehydrator!
Fruit leathers.. literally blended fruits and a touch of spice (or not), 12-14 hours in the dehydrator on 40-50 degrees! We used apples and cinnamon for the first one and redcurrants, blackcurrants, raspberries and apple for the second. We are VERY happy with the results and have already made batch number two! 🙂
Experimenting with healthy food is fun! I have a client that uses her leftover pulp from juicing to make crackers in her dehydrator. a few seasonings and you have chip substitutes.
Hello ☺ and thanks for visiting Life Diet Health! What a fab idea! I think that will be our next ‘experiment’ how exciting and thanks for the idea! 🙂
What a great idea! They look yummy. Wonder if I could do that in the oven on a low temperature?
Hi Kristine☺ and thanks for visiting Life Diet Health ☺ I’m certain fruit leathers can be made in the oven but you might have to play with the temperatures and timing! I wouldn’t suggest leaving the house or going to bed with the oven on (even on low) just to be on the safe side! Let me know how you get on if you decide to have a little play!
These look awesome! I don’t have a dehydrator though, can they be done in the oven for less time?
Hello Charlotte (Ooo… The new Royal Princess is named after you!) 😛 Thank you… They taste awesome too!☺ Yes, these can be made in the oven but you’d need to check on temperatures and timings. A dehydrator is great because it’s built for prolonged use (ours can run for 48 hours) and can therefore be left safely overnight. I’ll be testing out healthy tasty crackers and crisps soon! ☺
I know, I’m enjoying having a name fit for a princess! I explore dehydrators, otherwise will look at timings because I’d love to try this!
Let me know how you get on 🙂
I used a dehydrator long ago for tomatoes was easier than when I canned them, but when I tried fruit didn’t care for the way it came out. Still rounding through a-z, trying to keep the momentum going.
Hello Sandy and welcome to Life Diet Health 🙂 Hopefully like me you’ve found a load of new blogs through the A-Z challenge 🙂 Canning??? Ooo.. that’s different! I’ve already made a few batches of semi dried peppery tomatoes in the dehydrator yumyum! Chunky pineapple is good and my hubby loves his dehydrated melon… still lots of things to try! Thanks for visiting 🙂
What kind of dehydrator do you use? I am toying with getting one, but have limited kitchen space. Do you think it’s worth prime real estate?
Hello 🙂 Thanks for the question 🙂 We’ve been wanting to get a dehydrator for ages but as the one we wanted was quite expensive we’ve been putting it off! We decided last week to just buy a cheap one (rectangular) to see if we use it enough but it DOES take up a lot of space on the worktop especially having to find somewhere to put the spare trays (ours has 6). So far so good and there’s so many things you can make… waiting for my crackers to finish! 🙂 Hope that’s helpful? 🙂
Oh, these fruit leathers look amazing, so bright and colorful! Now, you can make some raw pancakes with them! 🙂
Very good for packed lunches and an easy way to up fruit intake (especially for children). Ooo… raw pancakes 🙂
I’ll be waiting for a recipe on those! 😉
Best you buy your dehydrator then! 😛 Which will come first… the dehydrator or the recipe! 😀 x
Ooh you did it! They look tasty! Glad they worked out well for you. I will have to head back to my parents and put some more on as mine are looooong gone 😀
I did! 🙂 Thank you! 🙂 Yes… I think next time we’ll do more trays! 🙂