Love these four fantastic ways with seasonal rhubarb
Rhubarb is one of those fruits which I think is often overlooked. We have always grown rhubarb. We had it at home growing up, I have it in the garden and of course, I have a plentiful supply on the allotment! If you are looking for rhubarb recipe ideas, then keep reading!
I know some people avoid rhubarb as they either think it’s too complicated, they are not sure what to do with it, or, they think it needs loads of sugar! Well, firstly, I am going to show you step by step a simple way to make a simple but delicious rhubarb compote. Then I will give you not one, but four ideas to make use of said rhubarb. Now, a little secret or two for you! If you find some rhubarb now while it is still early in the season, it will be delightfully sweet! Secondly, if you add cinnamon to the cooking as in my recipe, this will act as a natural sweetener and you can forget the sugar!

How to cook your rhubarb
Here is a simple step by step picture guide to cooking the perfect rhubarb. Basically cut it, wash it, chop it. Pop it in a pan, add a peeled chopped apple for additional sweetness if you wish, add a bit of cold water, sprinkle some cinnamon over, put the lid on and wait! Tada! Then use in the recipes below!
What can I use rhubarb for?
For most people, the obvious choice is a rhubarb crumble! I still cook the rhubarb first, then put it in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle over a crumble topping. This crumble recipe here has the most amazing crumble topping.

Another delicious idea is to use it to top a basic sponge cake with. For this, you need to cook the rhubarb for slightly less time, with slightly less water. Bake your cake to your favourite recipe for five minutes less than usual, then add the rhubarb to the top, sprinkle some flaked almonds over and return to the oven for 5-10 minutes. Sprinkle with icing sugar to serve.

Another great idea for your rhubarb is to make a pie! You can leave it as just rhubarb, or add some mixed berries in too (no need to precook those). For extra quickness, pop your fruit in an ovenproof dish, cut out some ready made shortcrust or even puff pastry to slightly larger than the dish, prick the pastry with a fork and lay over the fruit. Cook as per the pack instructions and serve with custard, ice-cream, cream or all three!

My current favourite thing to do with rhubarb? Just simply layer it in a glass with natural yogurt and a sprinkling of granola or muesli. Leave to chill in the fridge and enjoy for breakfast, snack or dessert. These will keep made up for five days in the fridge. I might have also made something similar with custard instead of yogurt!

Other rhubarb ideas
Of course there are loads of other ideas for using rhubarb, but these are quick and easy ideas. I also have a rhubarb ice-cream recipe and a rhubarb breakfast bar recipe and I have used this apple crumble slice recipe for rhubarb too.
So? What will you make with your rhubarb? Drop me a line below and let me know! If you make or adapt any of my recipes, I would love to see your photos. Please tag me @LifeDietHealth or using #LifeDietHealth on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter.
Have a fabulous May day weekend.
Speak soon
Laurena x
Hi Laurena, I came to rhubarb relatively late in life (last year in fact lol). I don’t recall eating it growing up at all. Anyway, my favourite way of eating it is making a basic compote with mixed spice, sometimes fresh orange juice and maple syrup…adding apple as you suggest sounds much better though👍 I like tangy things as you know but even I need to add a fair amount of sweetness to rhubarb haha. I tend to use the compote on porridge, Weetabix and yoghurt…standard😋Saying that though, I did make a sort of cobbler recently with rhubarb, it was so yummy. You always find rhubarb (and asparagus) in supermarkets this time of year where I live, loose too- no plastic at all!
OMGosh Eva I’m picking up on the ‘loose’ no plastic! WOW! UK are you listening! We can do without the plastic please! Mine is loose anyway, the second massive armful from the allotment this month (I stopped counting yesterday at 50 stalks)!!! Adding orange juice is a great idea I’d forgotten about, thank you and I love roast rhubarb with maple syrup! Err, no to on weetabix though! Really? with milk or without? with extra sugar or not? Cobbler sounds delicious – I need to get my Mum’s cobbler recipe while I’m thinking about it!
Haha, I never add sugar on Weetabix and I use (unsweetened) soya milk…and poppyseeds🙂 I once burnt roasted rhubarb! The temperature was far too high, lesson learnt. Well done growing all that rhubarb. I bet your Mum’s cobbler is lovely x
👍🏼to no sugar on weetabix 😋 Oh no, oops to burnt roasted rhubarb! 🤦🏽♀️Not had Mum’s cobbler for ages but I’m sure it will work as vegan. Do you make crumble?
I don’t make crumbles as often as I should😋I went through a phase a while back eating crumble for breakfast lol (using frozen berries, spelt flour, coconut oil and flaked almonds or hazelnuts).
Ohhhh! Use my crumble recipe and you’ll want to make crumble all the time!🎉 Nothing wrong with crumble for breakfast… so long as it’s not with full cream custard😋🙈😂