Search results for :dessert

Cooked hot cross buns on a wire rack.

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns Good Friday is traditionally the day when Hot Cross Buns are eaten… that’s not to say you can’t eat (or make) them at other times! Hot cross Buns are one of those things that are great to keep in the freezer for when you have hungry teenagers asking ‘what’s for snack?’! 😛 I’m actually eating one now…

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waffles on a plate with berries and ice cream

Two wafflelly good recipes for perfect waffles

Two wafflelly good recipes for perfect waffles Waffles are one of those foods which I only ever used to have when out as I thought they were too fiddly to make! What I have learnt though, is you can make them similar to a pancake batter and bake them in a silicon mould in the oven. I do love pancakes…

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You’ll be crazy for these delicious apple dumplings

This is one of my Mum’s recipes! When I was growing up, we used to always have dessert… every day, probably twice at weekends! I suddenly realised that although I know how to make most of Mums savoury items, the desserts, bakes and cakes I don’t have the recipes for! I had forgotten about these delicious pastry encased apples –…

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My FoodSavvy Challenge: Greatest Tips you’ll Love!

I was going to start, by saying that my #FoodSavvy challenge is over, then I realised that actually it’s only just begun! 😀 What is #FoodSavvy? Many of you will know that for the past 4 weeks, I have been an ambassador for the FoodSavvy challenge run by the environmental charity Hubbub, in conjunction with Suffolk county council and Norfolk…

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Have a Fantastic FoodSavvy Pancake Day!

Why Pancakes? ? Pancakes are traditionally a way of using up all the leftover rich foods before the start of the Christian period of Lent. Eggs, fats and milk based foods were all used up on Shrove Tuesday (a.k.a. Pancake Day) prior to the 40 days of fasting. Nowadays, whilst some people do still follow this tradition, the majority of…

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What are your greatest Food Savvy tips?

As many of you will know, I have been taking part in the #FoodSavvy challenge organised through the environmental charity Hubbub in conjunction with Suffolk County Council and Norfolk County Council. What’s it all about? The campaign is to create awareness around Food Waste and Single-Use food plastic, issues which totally fit in with the Life Diet Health way of life! 😀…

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Save more money with the Food Savvy challenge!

Food Savvy I hear you ask? What is that? In October last year, I received an email from the environmental charity Hubbub asking if I would be interested in joining their campaign to reduce food waste at home. Well, of course, this ties in perfectly with everything we are trying to achieve at Life Diet Health: creating meals from scratch;…

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Season’s Eatings!

🙂 It’s the time of year where everywhere you look there are delicious displays of everything seasonal! In the UK it’s traditional to have Turkey with roast potatoes, roast parsnips, loads of vegetables including Brussels Sprouts, all served with gravy, cranberry sauce and bread sauce. Of course, if you are vegetarian or vegan then the traditional turkey is foregone in…

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Chocolate Snowballs

Are you getting all festive? Snowballs have to be made at this time of year don’t you think? Whether or not you have snow, these delicious chocolate coconutty bites just need to be made… and devoured! 😀 These also make great gifts and can be boxed or bagged, with pretty ribbons or raffia, a homemade gift-tag or even a tree…

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Meatballs…vegan style!

Meatballs are the perfect food for the colder weather! Serve them with pasta and a tomato-based sauce, pop them in some bread with some salad and mayo or just pop them in your mouth when nobody is looking (or is that just me?) The meatballs do take a bit of effort in the preparation (lots of fine dicing) but they…

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