Search results for :dessert

Brighten up your weekend with this Brilliant breakfast

Breakfast! You know you should always eat something first thing right? Well, you wouldn’t drive your car without putting fuel in it (or charging it 😛 !) I know some people can’t face anything first thing, but we should all try to eat within a couple of hours of waking – even if it’s just a piece of fruit! ???…

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You need chocolate cake! Your special reward!

Yes! Sometimes we just need cake! 🙂 If you’ve had a week like mine… cake is most definitely in order! A good cake will make you forget everything and a good chocolate cake, well, that’s just doubly good! 😛 This chocolate cake is layered with fresh raspberry puree and a creamy coconut layer. So good! 😀 You can layer with…

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Coconut Tarts

Who wants something delicious but light? Something to brighten up the dull weather and keep you cosy with a cup of hot chocolate!? These coconut tarts will whisk you away to a tropical paradise as you bite into the fluffy slightly sweetened coconut topping, before reaching that crisp pastry shell. Oh yes, these are real good! 😀 I’m not even…

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Holiday Pancakes

Okay, so you can have pancakes any time of the day or year but most people have more time to make them when they’re not rushing off to work or school! 🙂  Pancakes are a great breakfast food, especially when you have guests, and these ones are suitable for everyone! 😀 Of course, they are not just for breakfast! You…

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Now bring us some Figgy Pudding!

Finally I’ve managed to make a Christmas Pudding which reminds me of ones shared with my Dad! This is moist, full of seasonal spices and packed with figs, apricots and raisins! Dad used to love Christmas Pudding and Mum always made something called ‘white sauce’ which was basically custard without the artificial yellow colouring! It was perfect to represent a…

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Pepparkaka- Crispy Ginger Biscuits

Even just writing the word made me ‘need’ to eat another one! 😛 This recipe has to be in the top five things to come out of the Life Diet Health kitchen! They are crunchy, crispy, gingery, spicy, delicious snappy thin biscuits! Can you tell that I love these! 😀 Pepparkaka are a traditional Swedish ginger biscuit typically eaten at…

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Perfect Pastry for Mince-pies

Today I’m adding a new section to the website: Family Friendly Recipes! We’ve been doing loads of baking at home to try and reduce our use of pre-packaged additive and preservative laden goods. Whilst I am the only vegan in the house, I’ve discovered that by carefully selecting my ingredients, I can make delicious goodies that everyone loves…without realising they…

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Spiced Pumpkin & Apple Loaf Cake

Oh my! I’m blaming Angie for this! I haven’t made too many things with pumpkin in, but all her talk of Halloween, pumpkin and apple led me to do some experimenting! 😛 What do we have? A moist, spiced loaf cake, studded with cinnamon apple chunks and bits of crunchy pecans! Wow! This is one cake you’re going to want…

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Blondies – healthy style!

Blondies are, well, actually to tell you the truth, not something I’ve ever come across! I know! Brownies yes, but Blondies? I’m guessing it’s because it’s originally an American dessert and for some reason, its never really made it’s way over here! So, I asked “what’s a Blondie?” and the response I got was “a person with blonde hair!” 😛…

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Slimming Soup!

Did you know that people who eat soup before a meal, tend to eat less? Why? Well, soup is generally full of water which fills you up, leaving less space for other foods! Simple concept really! Some soups however are full of cream, butter or fried additions, so obviously these types are not the best option! 😛 It’s very windy…

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