Search results for :salad

Vegan Taco Jackfruit

Vegan Taco Jackfruit Okay! I’m sorry! It’s Tuesday again! What an unbelievable week I’ve had! You can never tell what each day can bring and I was certainly most unprepared for what happened this week! and… then my laptop wouldn’t turn on! 🙁 So, as I said last week – I will “try” to post again this week and then…

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What do Vegetarians eat on Burns Night? Haggis? Ay they do!

What do Vegetarians eat on Burns Night? Haggis? Ay they do! Burns Night? What even is that? Well, if you are Scottish, then today, 25th January you would more than likely be celebrating “Burns Night”. Robert Burns (1759-1796) is the National Poet (Bard) of Scotland and his life and work is celebrated annually on this day (along with other things Scottish).…

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Smoky Veg Bean Chili

Smoky Veg Bean Chili In the Summer, I love the long days, the glorious sunshine, the abundance of fresh salad and fruit, experimenting with ice-cream and times spent lazing on the lawn. In the Summer… I think Summer is my favourite season! 🙂 But now it’s winter I love waking up and hoping there is a frost; that the shed roof is shimmering…

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Fritters! Yumyum!

Fritters! Yumyum! You know when you’re hungry but don’t want to eat junk? When you open the fridge and there’s nothing to eat (apart from a drawer full of vegetables and a carton of coconut milk)? When there’s no bread in the house, no ready meals (aka something you made previously and froze)! not even a stash of pancakes!? 😛…

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Mixed Bean Soup (Vegan & Free-From)

Ooo I’ve been cooking this week! SO many delicious dishes in the Life Diet Health kitchen this week I don’t know which to share with you first! The weather has changed, school is now back in full swing and Autumn is well and truly here. It is definitely soup for lunch weather and this week I’ve made a delicious hearty soup…

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Back to Basics: Rainbows & Green Smoothies

Back to Basics: Rainbows & Green Smoothies Recently I’ve been getting my greens in the form of smoothies! You can’t imagine how many people turn their noses up at that! 😛 Smoothies yes. 🙂 Green smoothies no! So, just because of the colour it becomes less tasty? Really? I’ve added this to the back to basics series (along with crumble, pancakes…

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spanokopita pies

Picnic Pies! Spanakopita -Vegan & Gluten Free

Picnic Pies! Spanakopita- Vegan & Gluten Free Summer time! 😀 Well, the UK has amazingly been getting a whole load of sunshine! 😀 Woohoo! 😀 Lazy days out, barbecues and picnics are what’s on the agenda! 😀 Look at this delicious picnic plate from the weekend – full of delicious tortilla chips, sprouted seeds, salad, houmous and olives. YUM! Today…

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Plant Based 1 – 0 Meat Munchers!

Plant Based 1 – 0 Meat Munchers! It’s hot!!! VERY hot! UK has suddenly had #hottestdayoftheyear ! Yesterday it was 32c/90f degrees… again ! This might not seem hot to you (depending where you are), but the UK July average is only 21c / 70f degrees! H. O. T. ! Which means salads and fruits and picnics and barbecues 😀 Which we’ve…

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Tantalisingly Tasty Tofu! YES really!!! & FREE show tickets!

Tantalisingly Tasty Tofu! I know! 😛 Some of you hate tofu! It’s bland. It has the texture of congealed custard. It just isn’t something you eat! I know! 🙂 That was me about two years ago! I’ve been vegetarian for over twenty years, but tofu… nope! I just didn’t get it! Let me tell you a tofu secret! Tofu is a…

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Aubergine & Chickpea Vegan Bake

Aubergine & Chickpea Vegan Bake So, I am another year older 😀 and have spent almost the whole week being spoilt one way or another! I’ve seen friends, eaten out, been to my parents, had presents, cake, chocolate, been shopping and even been to the park! 😀 Have a look… Anyway, the recipe which I am sharing today is inspired by two…

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