Search results for :dessert

lemon cake

Luscious lemon cake with a healthy hidden vegetable twist

Hidden veg! When you think of hidden vegetables in cake, you might automatically think of carrot cake. Well, that carrot is not so hidden but it does make for a really delicious cake! If you look back at historic cake recipes, you will find there are numerous many recipes which use vegetables. I used to use a delicious chocolate mud…

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victoria sponge

Victoria sponge cake recipe you’ll love for your Jubilee party

Strawberries, Cream & Cake. Locally grown strawberries have begun to appear in the shops here and what is more perfect them piling them on a cake! Whilst the taste of shop bought strawberries is less superior than ones grown at home, they do still smell and taste of Summer. Strawberries and cream seem to go together so well but do…

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Make quick & easy biryani for a delicious Eid meal

Biryani. Biryani used to be something which I only ever saw on restaurant menus. I would be very confused when I ordered it and received vegetable curry and vegetable rice! I never understood what biryani was then! Anyway, a few decades later and I know now that biryani is a rice dish! A very tasty rice dish! I am posting…

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energy balls

Delicious quick and easy protein snacks to make now

Energy Balls. A quick and easy snack recipe for you today. I love making these protein snacks and vary the ingredients depending on what I have in and what I feel like eating. No recipe as such, instead some energy ball ideas to get you experimenting! If that scares you and you feel like you need a bit more help,…

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baked oats

Swap your daily porridge and fall in love with delicious Baked Oats

Oats. Rolled oats, porridge oats, steel cut oats, pinhead oats, whatever you call your oats, one thing is sure, they are good for you! Oats are traditionally seen as a carbohydrate, but they do contain a healthy amount of protein too! Oats also contain fibre called beta-glucan which helps you feel fuller, slows the rate of digestion and can also…

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gingerbread stars

Add some seasonal spirit to your baking with easy gingerbread cookies

Gingerbread Cookies It’s the season where everything is gingerbread flavoured! Happy me! I love gingerbread! The scent of them baking fills the air with a warmth and happy memories of winter holidays. Whether you make individual cookies or get adventurous and design your own gingerbread house, this recipe is perfect for a quick and easy ginger bake! The Gingerbread Cookie…

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spiced muffins

5 delicious recipes you’ll love for Apple Day

Apple Day Today (Thursday 21 October 2021) is Apple Day in the UK! What is apple day? Founded in 1990, apple day was created to celebrate all things apples and orchards. In the UK, you will find many events celebrating this – often tied in with pumpkin activities too. Our local park has held an apple day for many years…

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