You can now buy T-shirts and a few other bits over on my other site! Keep an eye on it as the range will change frequently! All products are eco-friendly (of course) and are all about you as an individual. You can check them out at
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If you have asked me for a product recommendation, I will try and add it here for you. We are currently in the process of updating this page as Amazon changed their links at the end of 2023. Until we can show each item individually again, please use the links below to make your purchases.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.
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You can set up your repeat items (household, pet foods, toiletries, chocolate etc.) on Amazon here:

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Wish Lists
Did you know you can create a wish list on Amazon that people can search for and shop from? Why not set one up and share with your friends and family so you only get gifts you want!