Tag Archives : bhajees

Crispy Vegetable Bhaji

Crispy Vegetable Bhaji Yum Yum! 😀 These are easy, quick, customisable and so yummy! We’ve been having a lot of soup this week but we do tend to make enough for a couple of days and then just have something easy with it. These are one of those easy things which go well with soup, or just on their own!…

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Fritters! Yumyum!

Fritters! Yumyum! You know when you’re hungry but don’t want to eat junk? When you open the fridge and there’s nothing to eat (apart from a drawer full of vegetables and a carton of coconut milk)? When there’s no bread in the house, no ready meals (aka something you made previously and froze)! not even a stash of pancakes!? 😛…

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