Tag Archives : butter beans

giant baked beans

Baked Butter Beans. Vegan and gluten friendly!

Baked Butter Beans. Vegan and gluten friendly! Yum! Can I just leave it at that! πŸ˜› πŸ™‚ These are flavourful, warming and moreish! DEGF as usual (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.) and perfect for these chilly nights which have suddenly jumped up on us! Oh and before anyone notices… these baked beans aren’t cooked in the oven but on the stovetop!…

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V= Versatile Vegetables!

Versatile Vegetables Happy weekend! πŸ™‚ It’s rainy here… hooray! My plants will be so happy! (and we don’t need to get the watering cans out)! Anyway, please forgive me for not posting cake or chocolate today… this is the last Saturday of the A-Z Challenge so back to normal next weekend! πŸ™‚ Can you believe April is almost over already!…

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Luscious Lentils :)

Luscious Lentils πŸ™‚ Well, last night I suddenly thought the blog tomorrow for the A-Z Challenge is and in this house, that has to be ‘lentils’ πŸ™‚ Lentils are such a wonderful food full of protein, fibre, iron and a whole range of minerals πŸ™‚ This dish is very easy and quick to make and you can vary the taste…

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