Tag Archives : five a day

The Ultimate 2-Minute Beans on Toast Hack You Need to Try!

Beans! You know when you’re in a hurry, need something filling and tasty but so easy – so you reach for a tin of beans, pop some toast in the toaster, and ta-da, beans on toast? Well, what if with just one extra step (maybe two), you could have an even more delicious, creamy, and nutritious version? Instead of just…

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If you know…

Wednesday wisdom! 🙂 “It’s not knowing what to do, it’s doing what you know.” Tony Robbins Just some food for thought for you today! You might know lots of things about lots of things… but how many do you act on? For example, we know plastic pollution is bad,but how many of us are actually doing anything about it? Think…

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Satsumas and Chocolate… just because you can vegan style!

Satsumas and Chocolate… just because you can vegan style! Munch munch munch! 😀 I love satsumas! Don’t get me wrong, I love oranges, tangerines, clementines and mandarins too but there’s something about the easy peel, the delicate orange fragrance, the subtle way the segments just separate on their own and disappear into my mouth! oops! Can you eat too many?…

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