Tag Archives : free from

Bread…but not as you know it!

Bread…but not as you know it! Oh this is good! 🙂 Really really good! It’s not your fluffy white bread. It’s not your crusty topped loaf. It’s not a flat bread, nor a pitta, but this is good! 😀 There is no wheat, no gluten, no yeast, but this loaf is so tasty! If you’re gluten free, dairy free, yeast…

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Crispy Vegetable Bhaji

Crispy Vegetable Bhaji Yum Yum! 😀 These are easy, quick, customisable and so yummy! We’ve been having a lot of soup this week but we do tend to make enough for a couple of days and then just have something easy with it. These are one of those easy things which go well with soup, or just on their own!…

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Life, Time & Solutions!

Life, Time & Solutions! Where’s the recipe for that! I’ll take it! 😀 There are of course only 24 hours in a day! Some of these MUST be used for sleeping – to rejuvenate your body from the days stresses – I’ll give you 6-9 hours for that, so you’re left with 15-18 hours. That’s a lot of time!  …

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Tofu veg bowl

Tofu veg bowl I never used to like tofu. I didn’t get it! Now I love it as I know how to cook it properly! 🙂 That said, I hadn’t had tofu for at least a month and this… well, this was something different to anything I’ve cooked before! I was intending to make soup as the weather in the…

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Soup Season!

Soup Season! Well, the weather has definitely started changing now. Oh we still have blue skies and a bit of warmth in the morning – yesterday was even 17 degrees centigrade and demanded sunglasses, but come late afternoon it got chilly! Almost put-the-heating-on chilly!  What’s the perfect warming food… soup of course! This is filling, flavoursome and relatively easy to make…

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Creamy rice pudding

Creamy rice pudding It’s over! That’s the conversation I just had. Summer. It’s gone! 🙁 Today was back to school day for many after the six week summer holiday. We had so much fun. Now back to early mornings, quick breakfasts, homework, routines and… Autumn! I love Autumn! Trees turning from green, to amber, to crimson, even gold. Leaves all…

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Superfood cookies

Superfood cookies Oh if you could see where I am!!! It’s so quiet, so peaceful, so tranquil… just the sounds of sheep bleating and water trickling down the stream. On Sunday, we managed to be out nearly all day and not see a single soul! There are mountains and waterfalls and lots of sheep! Sheep on the mountains, sheep in fields…

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The best green beans ever!!!

The best green beans ever!!! Seriously! Oh my! I cannot believe we never thought of this before! You might think there’s only so many green beans you can eat, but these… these are totally amazing! AND… really simple!!! I was actually being lazy and didn’t want to chop any more beans to steam and decided to throw them in the…

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Aubergine Rolls!

Aubergine Rolls Do you know how so very exciting it is to see deep shiny aubergines emerging from nowhere?! 😛 Well, I know they come from somewhere, but one day there is a plant with a few purple flowers, then the next day there are shiny jet black balls just sitting there… then they get a bit longer, and a…

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