Tag Archives : free from

Not just for Breakfast…Granola!

Not just for Breakfast… Granola! I’m 100% certain I’m not the only one who eats ‘breakfast’ at all times of day!? πŸ˜› How many of you have opted for a bowl of crunchy cereal or a couple of bits of toast for lunch, a snack or even dinner?! πŸ˜€ Maybe that’s not tradition where you are, to have cereal or…

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Courgette Ideas…

Courgette Ideas… Love them? Despise them? Well… I’m not sure you can just say you don’t like any vegetable without trying them cooked in different ways!? I mean, how can you compare chargrilled cajun marinated courgette strips to spiralised pesto courgetti? Our allotment has so far produced some lovely big courgettes from just two plants… Sure we panfried a few,…

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Crunchy baked polenta crusted tofu!

Crunchy baked polenta crusted tofu! Hey! πŸ™‚ How are you all? Have you all been rushed off your feet (like me) or have you found time to relax and enjoy the sunshine (if there’s been any your way?)? This week in the Life Diet Health kitchen there was lots going on! Double and treble our usual number for dinner on…

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Back to Basics: Ratatouille

Back to Basics: Ratatouille Oh I forgot how delicious something so simple can be! πŸ˜€ and I’ve tried to make this as simple as possible with no faffing, fancy ingredients or complicated instructions! Okay, so this isn’t the ‘proper’ way to make ratatouille… but then when did I make anything that was! πŸ˜› I used my crumble recipe last night…

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Sexy Summer Salad

Sexy Summer Salad See… something named after you at last! πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ Ahhh… Summer! πŸ˜€ The longest day of the year has been and gone which means nights are drawing in already! WHAT… noooo!!! Well, the sun may have hidden behind the clouds today this week but that doesn’t mean we can’t have salad! Especially salad as good as this…

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Anyone for Burgers? Vegan & Free-From

Anyone for Burgers? Vegan & Free-From Firstly, please excuse the photos! These were so yummy they were munched before a good shot was taken! πŸ˜› I almost made some more just so I could post a better photo but decided to make bread instead! πŸ˜€ Anyway? How has your week been? In the UK it was Fathers Day at the…

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chinese new year

Salt ‘n’ Chili Tofu

Salt ‘n’ Chili Tofu Ever had something at a restaurant you wanted to recreate at home? This is one of my favourite Chinese style dishes and although it’s not the healthiest (it does need frying) at least you’ll know what’s in it! πŸ™‚Β I never actually thought I’d be able to make this but it’s so easy when you know how!Β These…

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Brilliant Banana Bread Muffins VEGAN & GF!

Brilliant Banana Bread Muffins VEGAN & Gluten Free Well, it certainly seems like summer here in the UK with temperatures staying in the 20’s (68f+) all week BUT that doesn’t mean we haven’t had rain! Oh we’ve had two thunderstorms with sheet lightning AND a hail storm with hail the size of chickpeas! Oh yes! It was noisy! Real noisy!…

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What’s quicker than take-out? Cheeky Chickpeas!

What’s quicker than take-out? Cheeky Chickpeas! Do you love the lighter brighter evenings? Do you find yourself having dinner later and later? Well, last night hubby decided he wanted very hot curry (to get rid of a headache)! Realising that it was already 6.30pm (we have dinner at 6pm on a school night) he rang his favourite take-away. Did I…

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