Tag Archives : free from

Mexican Nacho Feast… 3 recipes!

Mexican Nacho Feast… 3 recipes! What a delicious feast I have for you today! 😀 Fantastic for an easy lunch, great for picky eaters as they can build their own and of course everything is vegan and gluten free! 😀 I have three recipes for you today as this dish has three main components! First of all the spicy Mexican…

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Tahini Flapjack: FreeFrom & Vegan

Tahini Flapjack: FreeFrom & Vegan Tahini flapjack? Yes! That lovely jar of sesame paste hiding at the back of your cupboard which you bought to make homemade houmous has a new use! 🙂 I was looking for something which would bind oats together and decided that I’d see what I could come up with! With only four ingredients this flapjack…

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Valentines Thoughts & Sugar Free Chia Jam

Valentines Thoughts & Sugar Free Chia Jam Mixed feelings abound on this day! If you’re in a new relationship then this day will probably be filled with loads of romantic gestures   If you’re married or in a long-term relationship then this could be the day where one of you gets into trouble for not doing enough! Maybe you’ve ‘agreed’ that you…

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Healthy Egg-Free Pancakes! Vegan & gluten free!

Healthy Egg-Free Pancakes! Vegan & gluten free! Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday or whatever else you like to call it, definitely calls for these lovely healthy filling pancakes! Much as the fact I eat pancakes at least once twice a week, I never get tired of them!   There’s no added sugar, ,no added fat, no gluten, no egg and no dairy… just…

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Vegan Chilli – it’s hot hot hot!!!

Vegan Chilli – it’s hot hot hot!!! It’s quick! 🙂 It’s tasty! 🙂 It’s spicy! 🙂 This started out as a ‘what can I use the last black beans in’ and turned into something SO delicious that BOTH boys ate it without question! 😛 Yes… the meat munchers gobbled this down and I didn’t even hear a ‘what no meat?’…

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Flat rimmed bowl full of ezo gelin soup with chopped salad topping.

Ezo Gelin Soup! Gluten Free & Vegan

Ezo Gelin Soup! Gluten Free & Vegan What is Ezo Gelin I hear you ask? It’s a Turkish lentil based soup named after a bride called Ezo! The story says that Ezo’s mother-in-law did not like her, so to try to win her over, Ezo made this soup! The soup is now famous all over Turkey and is eaten at…

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Kurdish Shifta. . . vegan and free-from

Shifta. . . vegan and free-from Shifta, not to be confused with Shifti (watermelon) is a traditionally Kurdish home cooked (and deep fried) food. Not often found in restaurants or as street-food, shifta are something you may not have come across – unless you are Kurdish, have Kurdish friends or Kurdish family! 😀 These little fritters are normally made from diced…

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1st Bloggiversary!!! Colourful Vegetable Quad Bake

1st Bloggiversary! Colourful Vegetable Quad Bake THANK YOU! 🙂 Yes…YOU!!! 🙂 Without ‘you’ I wouldn’t have made it this far! Without ‘you’ there would be nobody to share my recipes with! Without ‘you’ there was no reason to invent, create, test, tweak, retest, photograph and post over 150 recipes! Thank you all for your likes, shares, comments and follows! Life Diet…

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Happy New Year & Tasty Free-From Potato & Leek Soup

Happy New Year & Tasty Free-From Potato & Leek Soup 2016 is here! Today is the day for all those new year resolutions to start! If I’d been writing this post ten, maybe even five years ago then I would be thinking top on your list would be dieting, less junk food, giving up drinking or smoking. Now with the…

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