Tag Archives : free from

Apple Jumble! Yes really! :P :)

Apple Jumble! Yes really! 😛 🙂 What’s in a name!? It’s apple season! 🙂 For the first time our miniature apple tree has decided to bear fruits! They are crisp, ripe and juicy! Delicious! In our veg box delivery this week, not only did we get apples in our fruit bag, we also got apples in our veg box! I…

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Garlic Mushroom Nut Loaf. Vegan & Free From

Garlic Mushroom Nut Loaf. Vegan & Free From It’s October! How did that happen!? Don’t you feel that the days, weeks and months are running away!? This week I don’t know where the time went! Was it the sudden change in weather? Colder nights? Frosty mornings? Bright sunny days?! (Yes, the UK has had a dry week with daytime temperatures around…

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Bursting Blueberry Pancakes… Vegan and Gluten Free!

Bursting Blueberry Pancakes… Vegan and Gluten Free! Better late than never! 😛 Happy weekend everyone! Earlier this week my Autumnal cheesey vegan burgers were featured at Deborah’s plant based pot luck party 🙂 I intended to take something else to the party this week but I didn’t expect it to take so long for me to post! So, here are…

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Spicy Lentil & Chickpea soup

Spicy Lentil & Chickpea Soup It’s cold! No two ways about it! The UK weather is changing rapidly… we’re still waiting for this Indian Summer but right now it’s jumpers and log fire weather! 🙂 This luscious hearty soup came about to warm us up and stave off the temptation of turning on the central heating before October! Gather Coconut…

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Autumnal Cheesey Vegan Burgers!

Autumnal Cheesey Vegan Burgers I feel a bit bad at not having posted all week! Gone are the “I’m too busy to think” days and instead I have the “try all those creations I’ve been saving all Summer” days! Already in my September photo file I have over 30 delicious healthy, free from, vegan foods to share… I just need…

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Chia Chocolate Porridge

Chia Chocolate Porridge What a VERY busy week! and a neglected blog! 🙁 I have a valid reason though! My son was on a school trip… not just for a day but for a whole week!!! No phones allowed either so it was a whole week with the only contact being just one text from school on the first day to say…

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Crunchy Spice Baked Tofu Chips

Crunchy Spice Baked Tofu Chips Happy weekend everyone! 🙂 I’m having a very lazy day today as yesterday was so busy! I spent the day coordinating food and drink for a charity event for 40-60 people! We made all of the food vegetarian with a few vegan bits and pieces and even managed to sneak in some raw goodness too! 😀 It pretty much…

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Back to School… Back to Blog! and Healthy Saag Aloo

Back to school… Back to Blog! and Healthy Saag Aloo Today is back to school day! Six weeks of lazy mornings, fun packed days, exciting summer food, leisurely evenings and not a lot of blogging! We’ve been cooking and baking – taking photos and making notes, now it’s time to get back to a routine and pass on all these…

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Chocolate Berry Smoothie Ice… Dairy Free!

Chocolate Berry Smoothie Ice… Dairy Free! 🙂 After the last few days I thought that summer in the UK had finally ended 🙁 We have had so much rain that I’ve even had to empty the trays under the tomatoes! This morning however is lovely blue skies with not a fluffy white cloud in sight 🙂 The school holidays have…

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