Tag Archives : free from

Chick Pea Curry in a Hurry!

Chick Pea Curry in a Hurry This is one of my favourite meals at the minute. I love chick peas. I eat lots of chick peas! They are tasty, easy to prepare and can be used in all sorts of dishes. Chick peas also of course contain lots of protein… in fact chick peas are almost a fifth protein! A massive…

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Cookies… Biscuits… Oaty Choco Drizzle Yummies! Dairy AND Gluten free!

Oaty Choco Drizzle Yummies Yesterday I decided to experiment and attempt to make some gluten and dairy free ‘nutritious’ and ‘healthy’ biscuits. When I went to bed I decided I need to make some more today! After tweaking the recipe to get a crumbly tasty cookie, then improving it by topping it with chocolate I couldn’t stop eating them… but…

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