Tag Archives : free from

Roast Chickpeas with Vegetables

This is such a straightforward idea – but oh were these roasted chickpeas and vegetables well received! Seriously, when your guests are picking them off the baking tray before they even get to the table – you know you’re on to a winner! 😀 I almost put these in the ‘back to basics’ series as they don’t really need a…

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Veggie Fritters

Ah, if you ever needed a way to eat more vegetables this is it! Crispy seasoned morsels of… well, definitely not overcooked limp tasteless vegetables! 😛 These veggie fritters are a great way of a) using up bits of vegetables b) getting kids (& partners) to eat more veg without realising and c) have a tasty meal that everyone can…

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Chickpea & Tomato Soup

This chickpea and tomato soup is one of our staple recipes! It is our go to quick nutritious meal (or addition to a meal) and we probably make it 2-3 times a month (okay so maybe weekly! Yes, it’s that good 😀 )! I was certain this recipe must already be on Life Diet Health, so imagine when I searched…

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Blondies – healthy style!

Blondies are, well, actually to tell you the truth, not something I’ve ever come across! I know! Brownies yes, but Blondies? I’m guessing it’s because it’s originally an American dessert and for some reason, its never really made it’s way over here! So, I asked “what’s a Blondie?” and the response I got was “a person with blonde hair!” 😛…

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Slimming Soup!

Did you know that people who eat soup before a meal, tend to eat less? Why? Well, soup is generally full of water which fills you up, leaving less space for other foods! Simple concept really! Some soups however are full of cream, butter or fried additions, so obviously these types are not the best option! 😛 It’s very windy…

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Dolma, literally means stuffed! We tend to use the word ‘dolma’ to describe vine leaves which have been stuffed, but traditionally these are actually called ‘sarma’. Anyway, I’m sticking with ‘dolma’ as that is the name we usually use! Then again, maybe we do use it for stuffed veg too as we have this dolma recipe on the blog already!…

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Who wants warming spicy lentil daal… ?

Daal! dal, dhal or maybe dahl! Whichever way you write it, it’s the same warming, spicy delicious bowl of goodness which can be used as a main, or a side, eaten with rice, with bread, or just on its own! As I have several really good friends who are Bengali (or married to Bengali’s) I have had more than my…

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Firni – a traditional rice pudding

Firni or phirni is a rice pudding recipe which one of my Bengali friends always makes for Eid celebrations. She uses a traditional recipe which was handed down from her mother, who used the recipe handed down from her mother. It is still Eid now – it started yesterday (Tuesday), and we were invited to dinner, and how fortunate was…

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seasonal soup

Seasonal Soup

Soup! I know! Technically it’s still summer, but as I write this the rain is drizzling down with no looks of stopping! The temperature has suddenly dropped this last week by about 10 degrees centigrade so soup is definitely on the menu! This soup uses totally seasonal produce, freshly picked from the allotment. Tomatoes form the base, with onions, then…

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