Tag Archives : healthy recipes

Winter warming spiced cake

Winter warming spiced cake Cold! Yes, winter is definitely approaching! SIX degrees centigrade this week (43f) after a balmy average ofย 16c (61f)ย over the half term holidays. So we need something warm and yummy whilst we curl up on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book! ๐Ÿ˜€ This is one of those recipes that I’d bookmarked…

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Aubergine Rolls!

Aubergine Rolls Do you know how so very exciting it is to see deep shiny aubergines emerging from nowhere?! ๐Ÿ˜› Well, I know they come from somewhere, but one day there is a plant with a few purple flowers, then the next day there are shiny jet black balls just sitting there… then they get a bit longer, and a…

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Courgette Ideas…

Courgette Ideas… Love them? Despise them? Well… I’m not sure you can just say you don’t like any vegetable without trying them cooked in different ways!? I mean, how can you compare chargrilled cajun marinated courgette strips to spiralised pesto courgetti? Our allotment has so far produced some lovely big courgettes from just two plants… Sure we panfried a few,…

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Breakfast Bars… customisable, vegan & Free-From!

Breakfast Bars…customisable, vegan & free-from! Want something quick and easy for breakfast? Need something portable if you’re always on the run? These breakfast bars will definitely do the job! Did I plan them? Well no, not really! What happened? The allotment happened! ๐Ÿ˜› Do you know how quick and freely without any attention rhubarb grows? So we’ve had crumble, ice-cream…

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Crunchy baked polenta crusted tofu!

Crunchy baked polenta crusted tofu! Hey! ๐Ÿ™‚ How are you all? Have you all been rushed off your feet (like me) or have you found time to relax and enjoy the sunshine (if there’s been any your way?)? This week in the Life Diet Health kitchen there was lots going on! Double and treble our usual number for dinner on…

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Anyone for Burgers? Vegan & Free-From

Anyone for Burgers? Vegan & Free-From Firstly, please excuse the photos! These were so yummy they were munched before a good shot was taken! ๐Ÿ˜› I almost made some more just so I could post a better photo but decided to make bread instead! ๐Ÿ˜€ Anyway? How has your week been? In the UK it was Fathers Day at the…

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2 minute Coconut Dessert? Yes please!

Coconut Dessert… Vegan & Free-From Yum yum yum! ๐Ÿ˜›ย Super fast dessert!!! I suddenly realised that I’d been over zealous when buying tofu and I had a packet which needed eating! What did I do? I threw it in the blender with some coconut and some dates and tada! Instant vegan coconut whip! Delicious! I know nice creamย is quick, but this…

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Brilliant Banana Bread Muffins VEGAN & GF!

Brilliant Banana Bread Muffins VEGAN & Gluten Free Well, it certainly seems like summer here in the UK with temperatures staying in the 20’s (68f+) all week BUT that doesn’t mean we haven’t had rain! Oh we’ve had two thunderstorms with sheet lightning AND a hail storm with hail the size of chickpeas! Oh yes! It was noisy! Real noisy!…

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Creamy Chunky Coleslaw… Vegan!

Creamy Chunky Coleslaw… Vegan! Ooo it was sunny here today! Up to 18 degrees centigrade! ๐Ÿ™‚ Bearing in mind that last night we were threatened with a frost, the temperature today was none too shabby! ๐Ÿ™‚ So, sunny weather brings lighter food, salads and ice cream! I’m not sure how long this weather will stay but this chunky coleslaw is…

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