Tag Archives : milk free

Alphabet April and Apple Apricot & Almond Afters!

Alphabet April and Apple Apricot & Almond Afters! Well, today starts the A-Z blogging challenge! 🙂 (I’m currently listed as participant 684) I had hoped to be more prepared for this month and think what I was posting in advance but it seems (as usual) my planning didn’t always reach my kitchen! 😛 Thankfully the alphabet starts with ‘A’ so…

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Chocolate! Dairy free!!! So excited!

Chocolate! REAL dairy free chocolate! I wouldn’t usually do this but I’m just so excited! Yesterday I got a catalogue through from a well established British chocolatier (I love my chocolate)! and just flicking through looking at everything I couldn’t eat searching for the dark chocolate pages what did I see which almost caused me to fall of my chair?! OMGosh……

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