Tag Archives : motivation

Be Thankful for What YOU have!

I wrote a long post about my interpretation of this statement. Then, I stopped and thought about it. I realised that being thankful for what you have, could mean so many different things, to so many different people. Then I deleted everything I had written. I saw that the statement “Be Thankful for what YOU have!” speaks for itself and…

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If you know…

Wednesday wisdom! 🙂 “It’s not knowing what to do, it’s doing what you know.” Tony Robbins Just some food for thought for you today! You might know lots of things about lots of things… but how many do you act on? For example, we know plastic pollution is bad,but how many of us are actually doing anything about it? Think…

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sizzled tofu steak

Sizzled Tofu Steak with a sprinkling of motivation!

Sizzled Tofu Steak with a sprinkling of motivation! Tofu!? I hear you! 😀 You’re probably thinking seriously!? There’s a ton of tastier foods to eat! 😛 Well, this is my best tofu yet! It is so good! Can I say that again?! This is so amazingly good! 😀 You might have heard me say before if prepared properly that tofu soaks…

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