Tag Archives : plant based

Sticky Chocolate Cupcakes

Chocolate. Cake. I could just leave it at that as I’m sure you totally get it! πŸ˜› Okay, I won’t, I’ll tell you that these chocolate cupcakes are moist, indulgent and chocolatey, made only of plant based ingredients but able to fool the most unlikely of munchers! πŸ™‚ Of course, you can dress them up, add some fancy piping, buttercream…

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Smoky Lentil & Bean Casserole

This is a fantastic dish! I’m proud of myself! πŸ˜› Not that I’m not usually, but this… well, this is great hot or cold, is baby friendly (I’m sure she will eat it if you make it too C.)! and besides being very easy to make, it is a FREE food on Slimming World and Weight Watchers! πŸ˜€ Oh, did…

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Traditional Tagine

Tagine! If you’ve never tasted a traditional tagine (or even heard of tagine?!) then you are in for a real treat. πŸ™‚ Now a tagine is actually the name of the earthenware pot which the food is cooked in, but the food takes the name too! An authentic tagine looks like this… Traditionally I know a tagine to be a…

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Fruity Coconut Ice Lollies

Ah, I know what you’re thinking! That’s not a recipe missy! πŸ˜› Well, have you made these? Or just looked at them? See! There you go! πŸ˜€ You do need a ridiculously simple recipe! Okay, so I wasn’t going to post this, but you know what… they are so delicious that I just had to share! πŸ˜€ Oh, and I’m…

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Pancakes for the Weekend!

You can never have too many pancakes can you!? πŸ˜€ ??? We love pancakes in this house and although we have now stopped making them daily (yes we really did for a long time)! they are still made regularly! We usually have pancakes for breakfast or brunch, but as we love them so much, we might make them for afternoon…

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Okra & Lentil Soup

So today’s recipe is a bit of a cheat! There are Gremlins in my site somewhere and I need to spend time working on it trying to sort it out! So, here is a recipe I created a while ago, but still use regularly. The weather here is cold today – we’ve gone back to 6c (43f) so soup is…

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Banoffee Cake

Sometimes I forget that making vegan food is a skill which non-vegan chefs don’t tend to have! We have just returned from a weeks holiday and although the team of chefs (and it was a BIG team of at least twenty chefs at any one meal) tried to be helpful, you could see that this really was something they were…

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Hot Cross Bun Loaf

Here’s an early Easter present to yourself! Make this delicious hot cross bun loaf and have a slice or two for breakfast or afternoon tea (or elevenses if that’s still a thing?)! So, the school holidays are already drawing to a close but we’re making the most of it! As you’re reading this, hopefully I am sitting by a pool…

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You’ll want to eat this veg! Your perfect centrepiece!

Have you seen whole cauliflowers turning up everywhere recently! Well, I didn’t think I could manage a whole one to myself, so I chopped one in half and made this delicious feast! πŸ™‚ Okay, so you might think this is not really a recipe… but if you’ve only ever had boiled cauliflower, or stretched to cauliflower cheese, you really should…

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