Tag Archives : salad

fruity salad

Surprisingly delicious easy salad with a fruity twist.

Salad days! Sunny days call for salad and this one is a bit different to what I would usually make! A salad can be made with most things, but often we tend to think of it as something savoury consisting of standard ‘salad veg’. So I started with that as a base, then looked to see what else I had…

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bulghur salad

Your fussiest eaters will love this salad.

Salad! What do you think of when you hear the word ‘salad?’ Does it remind you of the single lettuce leaf with a wedge of soggy tomato and half a slice of cucumber served on the side of a meal? Do you think of salad as something only people trying to lose weight would eat? Well, let me tell you…

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salad bowl

Create a home salad bar with delicious texture, taste and colour

Salads. Hopefully you are way past the thought of salad being lettuce, tomato and a slice of cucumber, possibly with a sprinkle of cress! Maybe you are in the next stage where you add a bit of carrot, sweetcorn, beetroot, pepper or onion – a bit like a cheap and cheerful restaurant salad bar. Either way, both are good for…

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seared lettuce with yogurt dressing and pomegranate

Lettuce can be more exciting than you think! Learn to love it!

Little Gems! I know it is January and it’s more soup, stew, casserole and pie weather, but we still need to get our vegetables in for those all important vitamins and minerals. Now, I would not usually recommend what I am going to, but this is too good not to do! Why lettuce though? There is a food sharing app…

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winter salad in white bowl

Give yourself a healthy boost with this seasonal warm winter salad

Warm Winter Salad There are so many seasonal recipes I could have posted, but I decided to go with a lighter healthier option and make a winter salad. I have used the Brussels sprout as the star of this dish and put different flavours together than I have before! These ingredients complement each other really well, and each brings its…

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5 Easy Summer Salads

5 Easy Summer Salads When the weather is heating up, cooking is generally the last thing on your mind – who wants to slave away in the kitchen when the sun is shining?! So, light the barbeque, skewer some veg, marinate some tofu (or meat/ fish/ chicken) and prepare these 5 easy summer salads to go with your meal! Salad…

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Summer Bean Salad

Is it salad weather where you are? There’s not much cooking going on here as the weather is so lovely it’s a bit too warm to eat anything much! Of course, we still need to eat, so salads are the way to go! I recall Jhuls @thenotsocreativecook previously saying she doesn’t eat salads! Well, this is definitely not a limp…

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chopped salad

The best ever quick & easy salad!

Salad for summer! Yes, I am stating that this the best ever quick and easy salad! I love this salad and you can add your favourite ingredients to it, change the spices to your liking and it will become a staple in your home! I first had this salad when I lived in Turkey where it is called ‘coban salatasi’…

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Pesto zoodles

Pesto Zoodles

Pesto Zoodles The smell of fresh basil wafting past is too much to resist in this very hot weather we’ve been having. The smell to me is just intoxicating and although it’s not my own I am eating it’s still so delicious! 🙂 For some reason, basil is one thing which I cannot appear to keep alive – whether on…

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