Tag Archives : spinach

tofu with greens

Quick and easy five minute protein and vitamin packed lunch

Homegrown greens. Now is growing season! Whether you have an allotment, a vegetable patch, or a window box, now is when you start seeing all your efforts rewarded. Some things, grow much quicker than others and any type of greens is one of those things! The great thing about allotments, apart from the obvious space, is that other plot holders…

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Houmous… mint & spinach

Convenience Houmous is one of those wonderful easy to make foods which we tend to pick up in the supermarket rather than bother to make our own! Sure, it is easy to pick up tub or two of plain, low fat, sundried tomato or caramelised onion houmous, but why not try making it? and you’ll save on the plastic too…

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Time for a Curry… Vegan & Gluten-Free

Time for a Curry… Vegan & Gluten-Free The weekly lunch that appears always to be at mine nowadays! 😛 🙂 has moved from a Friday to a Wednesday – mainly to accommodate my best friends change in work schedule! 😀 I usually just rustle up whatever I have in the fridge that morning and it never gets onto the blog,…

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Xanthan & Xtras

Xanthan & Xtras (sorry 😛 ) Come on… ‘X’ of the A-Z Alphabet Challenge was always going to be one of the difficult ones! 🙂 Only two more days then you won’t have to put up with my Xcruciating titles! 😛 Xanthan gum! Love it? Hate it? Never heard of it? Put it in everything? Avoid those recipes at all…

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