Tag Archives : vegan pie

blueberry pie

Did you know blueberries are great for pie?!

Blueberry Pie Day! If you are in the USA this may come of no surprise, but here in the UK blueberry pie is something you may not have heard of, let alone tried! Every year, 28th April (this year on Friday) marks National Blueberry Pie day! Well, I love blueberries and I love pie, so I thought absolutely we will…

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Cookathon Vegetable Pie & my love for nut butter!

Cookathon Vegetable Pie & my love for nut butter! I hope you’re all having a great weekend! Unbelievably I’ve nearly eaten a whole jar of crunchy almond butter since my delivery on Friday! 😮  I guess it’s a lesson learnt that when you find something you like, you shouldn’t then buy a cheaper version! You couldn’t imagine how different two jars…

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