Tag Archives : vegan recipe

Satsumas and Chocolate… just because you can vegan style!

Satsumas and Chocolate… just because you can vegan style! Munch munch munch! ๐Ÿ˜€ I love satsumas! Don’t get me wrong, I love oranges, tangerines, clementines and mandarins too but there’s something about the easy peel, the delicate orange fragrance, the subtle way the segments just separate on their own and disappear into my mouth! oops! Can you eat too many?…

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Garlic Mushroom Nut Loaf. Vegan & Free From

Garlic Mushroom Nut Loaf. Veganย & Free From It’s October! How did that happen!? Don’t you feel that the days, weeks and months are running away!? This week I don’t know where the time went! Was it the sudden change in weather? Colder nights? Frosty mornings? Bright sunny days?! (Yes, the UK has had a dry week with daytime temperatures around…

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One Step Cake Cookies. Free From and Sugar Free

One Step Cake Cookies. Free From and Sugar Free It’s me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m here! ๐Ÿ™‚ At last my incessant busy-ness is easing! ๐Ÿ™‚ Finally I have ‘some’ time to myself! Well… for a few more days until the school holidays start that is! ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ™‚ I know I’m posting on a Sunday AGAIN! After initially stating that Sunday would be…

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Dipping Donuts Dunking Doughnuts DairyFree Donuts!

Dipping Donuts Dunking Doughnuts DairyFree Donuts! Day four of the A-Z challenge brings us to ‘D’ Another seemingly easy letter but being a Saturday if you’re a regular to Life Diet Health you’ll know that’s my cake and chocolate posting day! So donuts it had to be! I’m certain when I was at school it was doughnuts!? Anyway, dipping or…

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Valentines or Anytime BeetBean Pate

Valentines or Anytime BeetBean Pate I started todays post and decided I was talking too much (my husband actually said that to me the other day when I was chanting my shopping list ‘paprika, porridge, potatoes, peas’ butย at least he remembered they started with ‘P’ as I got ‘potatoes and peppers’ ๐Ÿ˜› ). Anyway, the previous post I started will…

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Anything in the cupboards? Mix it up veg!

Anything in the cupboards? Mix it up veg! February already! Valentines day will soon be here (for those of us it interests!) and I am working on some great recipes to tantalize those taste buds and get you in the mood for love! <3 Yesterday I found myself at a friends house at dinner time…a meat loving, dairy eating friendย but…

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Fabulous Flapjack Friday (and its DEGF & chocolate too)!

Fabulous Flapjack Friday (DEGF & Chocolate) It’s fabulous Friday… fabulous because tomorrow it’s the weekend! That means plenty of yummy cake and biscuit trialling ๐Ÿ™‚ย  What’s so good about this flapjack? Apart from it being DEGF (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.) and tasting sooo good you want to eat it all before it’s even out of the oven!? Well as if…

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Tofu (Sesame) Tuesday! Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. (DEGF)

Tofu Sesame I think I must get myself a notebook just for recipes! I have in front of me six loose pieces of paper… none of which (I have just realised) have todays recipe on it! Oops! You could have the coconut ball recipe or variations of chocolateย mud cake, chick peas, chilli, salad or sesame bites! Tofu! Over the weekend…

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