Tag Archives : vegetable ideas

snack pots

What you need in your pantry for quick easy meals!

Something a bit different today to set you up on your plant-based journey. People often ask me, “What do you eat?” and since I rarely eat the same meal twice, it’s easier for me to give you a list of all the foods that are basics in my pantry. These are the current staples that keep my meals varied, nutritious,…

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Seasonal Sprouts Ideas to fall in love with!

Seasonal Sprouts Ideas to fall in love with! Yes, it is the season of Brussels sprouts and most people I’ve discovered are missing out on these delicious little balls of nutrition! These seasonal sprouts are packed with Vitamins C, K, and A, B6, magnesium, manganese, phosphurus and also contain protein, fibre, iron and calcium! Okay, so I get that they…

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