Tag Archives : vegetarian

Summer Bean Salad

Is it salad weather where you are? There’s not much cooking going on here as the weather is so lovely it’s a bit too warm to eat anything much! Of course, we still need to eat, so salads are the way to go! I recall Jhuls @thenotsocreativecook previously saying she doesn’t eat salads! Well, this is definitely not a limp…

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Easy BBQ idea

It might actually, dare I say it, be Summer! 🙂 The UK is not known for it’s great amounts of sunshine, but finally the rain, storms and winds have died down and we are promised a weekend full of glorious weather! Great weather = great food = barbeque time! 😀 Yay! Okay, if you’re a meat eater, barbeques are a…

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scrambled tofu

Appearances can be deceptive… this is not scrambled egg!

I have been wanting to try this for such a long time and I had all the ingredients! I think, because scrambled egg always left a lingering taste, that I was just not ready to try it. Well… more fool me! 😛 This is so much better than scrambled egg! I almost had the boys fooled, but they knew I…

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Tofu Sprinkles!

These are my new favourite food! Not only are they great for sprinkling an extra bit of protein on a salad or soup, they also make great nibbles too! The thing that makes these great is the size! These are tiny little bites of tofu, totally full of flavour and they definitely fill that gap! These are easy to make…

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Smoky Lentil & Bean Casserole

This is a fantastic dish! I’m proud of myself! 😛 Not that I’m not usually, but this… well, this is great hot or cold, is baby friendly (I’m sure she will eat it if you make it too C.)! and besides being very easy to make, it is a FREE food on Slimming World and Weight Watchers! 😀 Oh, did…

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Traditional Tagine

Tagine! If you’ve never tasted a traditional tagine (or even heard of tagine?!) then you are in for a real treat. 🙂 Now a tagine is actually the name of the earthenware pot which the food is cooked in, but the food takes the name too! An authentic tagine looks like this… Traditionally I know a tagine to be a…

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Okra & Lentil Soup

So today’s recipe is a bit of a cheat! There are Gremlins in my site somewhere and I need to spend time working on it trying to sort it out! So, here is a recipe I created a while ago, but still use regularly. The weather here is cold today – we’ve gone back to 6c (43f) so soup is…

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You’ll want to eat this veg! Your perfect centrepiece!

Have you seen whole cauliflowers turning up everywhere recently! Well, I didn’t think I could manage a whole one to myself, so I chopped one in half and made this delicious feast! 🙂 Okay, so you might think this is not really a recipe… but if you’ve only ever had boiled cauliflower, or stretched to cauliflower cheese, you really should…

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Need an Energy Boost? – Make this Veg Soup

Hands up if you have eaten your weight in chocolate, cake or biscuits recently?! ✋ Me! 😛 But how could I resist this lovely vegan carrot cake which arrived in the post! Yes! In the post! 😀  I ate over HALF of it! (no… not in one sitting)! Then there were the pretzels and the shortbread, and the pizzas… that’s…

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