Search results for :dessert

chocolate protein

Easy rich chocolate dessert – you won’t believe the ingredients!

Protein! This week, we’re staying on desserts but we’re making a protein-packed one! I’m sure you know that protein forms the building blocks of our bodies, essential for the repair and growth of tissues, but did you know that almost all food items contain some protein?! This is because all living organisms, whether plant or animal, need protein to survive.…

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mincemeat slice

Creative new dessert recipe everyone will love.

Blondie Fruit Slice! This week we’re back to something sweet and delicious! I wanted to create something initially to use up a jar of mincemeat I found when tidying the fridge. I thought about making my usual date slice but decided that would be too sweet, so I had a think and came up with this! Instead of a crumble…

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poached pear

Love this quick & easy in season healthy dessert

Poached Pears! I am surprised! I am funny with pears! I am a bit of a pear snob, only electing to eat one particular variety and only if they are almost rock solid! Why then, would I even try this recipe? Well, there are only so many pears you can eat raw and I just thought I would have an…

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beignets or sfenj with icing sugar on a wire rack

Dessert they’ll love you to add to your staples!

Sfenj! Whatever goes in in the world, people still manage to carry on and just get on with things! This week a recipe was shared with me for these Moroccan pastries. Whilst a literal translation is likely to bring up ‘donuts’, or indeed ‘sponge’ these are basically rings of unsweetened fried dough. As you may know, I prefer my foods…

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fig tart

You will absolutely love this dessert!

Fresh fig tart! What do you get if you have a load of figs and a spare roll of puff pastry? You get the most delicious dessert ever! Okay, so fresh figs off the tree are one of the most delicious desserts and yes, do eat them like that too but make this dessert and wow! Just wow! This dessert…

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You will love this easy quick chocolate dessert!

Chocolate? Check! ✔️Dessert? Check! ✔️Easy? Check! ✔️Quick? Hooray! ✔️ Oh yes! you are really going to love this dessert! ? It is chocolatey, chocolatey and chocolatey! You could probably make it right now actually as the ingredients are simple and unless you’ve banished everything chocolate from the house? Seriously? Who does that?! then you could be sitting down enjoying this…

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2 minute Coconut Dessert? Yes please!

Coconut Dessert… Vegan & Free-From Yum yum yum! 😛 Super fast dessert!!! I suddenly realised that I’d been over zealous when buying tofu and I had a packet which needed eating! What did I do? I threw it in the blender with some coconut and some dates and tada! Instant vegan coconut whip! Delicious! I know nice cream is quick, but this…

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Healthy AND dessert in the same sentence? Yes indeed! 🙂 All your favourite desserts have had a make-over…LifeDietHealth style! Vegan, gluten-free and refined sugar-free delicious tried and tested desserts! [riview id=11 num=2000 orderby=title order=asc showtitle=always lightbox=0]

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E = Easy Eggfree Dessert! (dairy free & gluten free too)!

E = Easy Eggfree Dessert! (dairy free & gluten free too)! Hello and welcome back to my A-Z challenge! Today was a bit of a tricky one to think of, with only eggplant and endive springing to mind (and not my mind either)! 😛 Anyway, I was playing with some ingredients and suddenly this idea jumped out at me! I know!…

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