An easy tofu recipe, 3 ideas for you
I realise tofu is something you might not think as for you, but have a look at this recipe before you dismiss it all together.
I have created a delicious easy dish which you can use in 3 (or 4) different ways! Fantastic!
Have a look here…
What can I use the tofu for?
You can of course just eat the tofu just as it is! I have sprinkled it over vegetables and salad, used it in sandwiches and even put it on crackers.
However, if you want a ‘proper’ use of this delicious tofu, try one of these:

Tofu sausage roll
This to me is the easiest option, especially if you have ready made pastry! Just roll it out, fill with the tofu, roll up, press to seal and bake seal side down for 15-20 minutes in a medium-hot oven. You can brush the tops with milk (or egg) to get a nice brown colour and sprinkle with sesame seeds for extra yumminess!

Tofu Tart
This is easier with ready made pastry and if you have pastry cutters and silicon tart cases even easier! If not, grease your bun tins and dust with flour, then use a large glass to cut out circles larger than that the tins. Lay a circle in the case or tin and prick the bottom with a fork. Add the tofu mix then either leave open, or add a lid, or half a lid! Bake in a medium-hot oven for 15-20 minutes.

Open Tofu Shells
This is a fantastic option if you are either out of ready made pastry, are short of time, or prefer someone else’s pastry to your own! Two choices here, you can simply use a flour tortilla (a.k.a. wrap) or flatten (roll out) a piece of regular bread. If you have a star shaped pastry cutter use that, otherwise round or fluted will do. You can also cut your shapes with a glass (this will be easier to do with bread than a wrap) or failing that with scissors! Get your cases and press them inside a cupcake or muffin tin so they curve up the edges. Brush with oil if you would like some colour, otherwise just bake. Bake in a medium oven for 5-8 minutes. Remove and fill.

What do I need?
This tofu is great as it is, but if you want to use it in any of the ideas here, you might find these items useful for this recipe. We do receive a small commission if you click and purchase through these links (this is at no additional cost to you)!
More tofu Ideas
Tofu is one of the foods I eat quite a lot of as it is very versatile and soaks up flavours easily. Have a look here at the other tofu recipes on the blog! Tofu is great in that it can be used in both savoury and sweet recipes! It’s great at making chocolate mouse as well as a scrambled egg substitute! Tofu comes in different textures – firm or silken, with silken more often used in desserts as it gives a creamy texture. I’m currently having a go at using tofu in vegan cheesemaking, so check back here soon to see what I’ve created!
Is the tofu easy to store?
The tofu will store in the fridge for up to 5 days. If you are making pastries with the tofu they are best eaten the same day although they should be good for a few days. If you make pastries, they can be frozen for up to a month.
I love seeing your creations and interpretations of my recipes! Please share my recipes and tag me @LifeDietHealth or using #LifeDietHealth on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter.
Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think of this easy tofu and how you will use yours? I would love to hear if you’ve made something similar or even if tofu is something you are too scared to try?!
Speak soon
Laurena x
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