ginger and lemon

Boost your health with these simple to make natural shots

Winter is here.

December is here and as well as all the seasonal foods, decorations and activities, it also brings the colds, coughs and flu. This year, keep yourself and your loved ones healthy and well by looking ahead. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure and these health shots give a great natural boost to your immune system.

health shots
Healthy shots by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Would you rather… ?

Imagine you have a great day planned with family or friends, lots of laughter, food and fun. You go to bed all excited, then wake up with a runny nose. You spend all morning blowing your nose until you look like Rudolph! You then start coughing and get a headache. You feel miserable and all your plans get put on hold (postponing is better than cancelling)!


You finish reading this (thank you), then add the ingredients to your shopping list. You buy a few lemons and the ginger and turmeric (you can freeze all of these). You make yourself a delicious natural health shot which instantly gives you a good dose of wellbeing. You stay healthy, feel energised and all your plans… are better than expected!

Your choice!

ginger and lemon
Lemon and ginger by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

The Shots Recipe

You can make these as you choose. Start with fresh lemon, ginger, or turmeric as your base and add cinnamon or mint if you wish. If shots seem a bit daunting, you can always add water to make a longer drink. Likewise, although ideally served cold, you could make it warm into a tea if that works better for you.

cinnamon tea
Cinnamon and ginger by Julia Topp on Unsplash

Health Shots

Ideas for health boosting juice shots

Course: Breakfast, Drinks
Keyword: gingerbread, lemons, turmeric
Created by:: Laurena @LifeDietHealth
  • 1 large lemon (roll it firmly on the worktop to release the juice)
  • 1 x 2cm ginger root
  • 1 x 1cm piece fresh turmeric
  • * optional extras
  • * 2-3 fresh mint leaves
  • * 1 cinnamon stick (if making a hot version)
  • * 50-150ml water (hot or cold)
  • * 1 medium carrot
  • * small handful spinach
  1. This is best first thing in the morning, made and consumed immediately. Grab yourself a glass.

  2. If you have a juicer, juice the lemon, ginger and turmeric, stir and drink. * optional, add water and the carrot, spinach and/or mint if desired. OR

  3. Squeeze the lemon juice using a lemon squeezer, if you have a garlic press, use this to juice the ginger and turmeric straight into the lemon juice. Otherwise use a very fine grater. Mix all together and drink.

  4. Alternatively, thinly slice the ginger and turmeric and place in a mug. Squeeze the lemon juice in, then add a slice of the lemon, and add boiling water. (* add mint or cinnamon if you wish).

  5. You could also use a blender or food processor to chop the ginger and turmeric with some water, then add the squeezed lemon after (you can add the carrot, mint or spinach too in this version).

  6. Drink and feel virtuous! Repeat again tomorrow!

What are the Health Benefits?

Why are these health shots so great? Have a look at the great nutrition each ingredient brings you! Lemons have a good amount of Vitamin C as well as Vitamin B6, Calcium, potassium and magnesium. Ginger also contains potassium, as well as Vitamin B6, magnesium, vitamin C and iron. Then turmeric is well known for its health boosting properties, which includes large doses of iron, vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamin C and calcium. If you look at all of these nutrients together, you will see these shots are great at providing all round benefits including supporting heart health, aiding digestion, increasing iron absorption (for healthy blood cells), reducing inflammation, supporting the immune system and maintaining healthy skin.

Turmeric by Julia Topp on Unsplash

What do I need?

You need to add the ingredients to your next shop! However, if you are new to cooking or your kitchen needs a refresh, here are a few useful things for this recipe. I receive a small commission if you click and purchase through these links (this is at no additional cost to you)!


These are best made and served immediately to get the most of the nutrients and the benefits they bring. Serve in small glasses or cups before eating. Follow your shots with your regular daily diet.

fresh sliced lemons
Lemons by Eggbank on Unsplash


These can actually be made in advance and frozen. They will store perfectly well in the freezer for up to three months, so you can make a big batch and get them out every morning! You could portion them into ice cube trays (or lolly moulds if that’s what you have). Remember to label and date. Allow to defrost in the fridge, or pop one in a mug of hot water, stir and enjoy!


I really hope you value your health and add these healthy shots to your winter regime! I love seeing your adaptions and interpretations of my recipes and I’d love to see your shots photos! Please share and tag me @LifeDietHealth or using #LifeDietHealth on InstagramPinterest,  Facebook or Twitter.

Do you have any specific seasonal requests? More gingerbread? A new recipe with mincemeat? or something savoury such as a different nut roast?

Leave me a comment below… I love to chat!

I hope to speak with you soon

Laurena x


  • Sandra 21st January 2025 at 11:40

    Can we use concentrated lemon juice out bottle ? Powdered turmeric , powdered cinnamon ?
    Can we add bottled pineapple juice ?

    • Laurena 22nd January 2025 at 20:22

      Hello Sandra, thank you for your questions. Firstly, fresh ingredients will almost always give you the most nutrition. However, you will almost certainly still get benefits from using alternatives. Powdered turmeric and powdered cinnamon are great to use – the fresher they are, the more nutritious. Bear in mind that powdered spices, especially cinnamon, are less likely to dissolve completely and therefore the texture may be slightly grainy. Concentrated lemon juice comes in many forms, so ensure this is suitable for drinking – if, you were thinking of mixing the lemon with the pineapple, that would work better (without me knowing the specifics of the lemon). So, to recap, yes to everything all together, but you may get a different texture. Ideally, to compromise, try to get some fresh lemon, then use the powdered spices. Hope this is helpful.


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