Browsing Category : Breakfasts

Healthy Chocolate Breakfast Bowl

Healthy Chocolate Breakfast Bowl (DEGF) 🙂 What happened to Spring? The weather has turned cold again 🙁 so I needed something warm and yummy for breakfast! Porridge sprung to mind but I wanted something more exciting 🙂 then I remembered that when we were younger we used to have ‘ready brek’. I’ve no idea how they get the fine floaty…

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Breakfast Sticks Churros Style… Free From Dairy, Egg & Gluten

Breakfast Sticks Churros Style. DEGF! Anything originally deep fried, sugar laden and very sweet has always disappeared too fast in our house! Think doughnuts 3 or 4 at a time magically vanishing into thin air or churros being eaten as fast as they’re out of the pan! Trying to be healthier and reduce ‘everyone’s’ sugar intake, dairy intake and oil…

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Double Chocolate Free From Hotcakes

Double Chocolate Free From Hotcakes  (DEGF) It’s the weekend! Here on Life Diet Health that generally means chocolate, or cake… or both! 😛 🙂 Last night I wanted something chocolatey but I wanted it instantly! I didn’t want to spend ages in the kitchen measuring, mixing, measuring, whisking, measuring, beating and then waiting a further hour for something to cook…

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Breakfast the DEGF free… and A to Z Challenge

Breakfast the Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. way and the A to Z Challenge Back to school Monday! So much to do so just a quick post this morning! (maybe)! 😛 Seems though breakfast is the way to kick-start your day and fuel your body up ready for whatever you throw at it, it seems only fair that I should post another…

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Free From Pancakes for Pancake Day

Free From Pancakes for Pancake Day It’s Pancake Day! 🙂 Or ‘Shrove Tuesday’ as is the traditional name as ‘shrove’ comes from the word ‘shrive’ which means absolution from sin or to confess. This day started as a Pagan festival, then became a Christian festival preceding the 40 days of Lent which will start tomorrow (Ash Wednesday). Traditionally pancakes were…

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Five minute flat bread! DEGF!

Five Minute Flat Bread Today is one of those waiting days! Waiting to see how one of best friends gets on! 🙂 Do you know how long each minute appears to be when you’re waiting! I keep looking at the clock but the time is never more than a minute since I last looked! I only have to wait another hour…

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Breakfast Blueberry style! DEGF, low sugar

Breakfast Blueberry Style (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.) 🙂 I know you all know how to make porridge (It generally says how on to the packet)! but I thought I would have a little experiment just to see if I could come up with a foolproof – ‘need to make this again’ recipe! 🙂 If it’s cold outside and you need…

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Baked Apple Oatmeal Bites (D.E.G.F.)

Baked Apple Oatmeal Bites It’s another cold and frosty morning here in the UK so breakfast needed to be something hot and comforting! Although I do love a bowl of porridge with almond butter and sliced banana, today I wanted to try something different! I have seen several baked oatmeal recipes floating around and decided that (if I could avoid turning…

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Free From Pancakes (DEGF) and OR ?

Free From Pancakes (DEGF) At the weekend my son said “we haven’t had pancakes for ages?” so, taking that as a challenge I set about seeing what I could come up with! I had been making pancakes with regular white flour, egg and coconut milk (for the dairy sub.) but since trying to cut out both refined white products and eggs,…

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