Browsing Category : desserts

strawberry ice cream

Check out this combo of summer, strawberries and sunshine.

Ice-Cream! The sun is shining, the skies are clear, and the UK is basking in the glorious warmth of summer. With the delightful weather comes another seasonal joy: the abundance of fresh, juicy strawberries. There’s something incredibly uplifting about these vibrant red berries that perfectly complement the sunny days. Whether you’re picking them yourself, buying them from a local market,…

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mincemeat slice

Creative new dessert recipe everyone will love.

Blondie Fruit Slice! This week we’re back to something sweet and delicious! I wanted to create something initially to use up a jar of mincemeat I found when tidying the fridge. I thought about making my usual date slice but decided that would be too sweet, so I had a think and came up with this! Instead of a crumble…

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millionaires shortbread

A little bit of luxury for a special event.

Millionaire’s Shortbread Bites! Last week I shared with you a new brownie recipe, and as I found some vegan condensed milk, this week I thought I’d add a new millionaire’s recipe. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you might know that I posted a very popular raw chocolate caramel slice recipe about 6 years ago. This recipe…

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chocolate brownie on a serving dish with fresh multicoloured strawberries

Easy to make Chocolate Brownies.

Biscuit (aka cookie) Brownies! This week’s recipe is a delightful twist on my ever-popular decadent biscoff brownie recipe. If you love brownies and biscuits (aka cookies), you’re in for a treat! These easy-to-make chocolate brownies incorporate biscuits, adding a deliciously crunchy texture to the rich, fudginess of a good brownie. I used mini Oreos and chocolate Jammie Dodgers but you…

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New signature cake you have to make!

Fun new recipe! This week we’re going sweet! and a bit sweeter than that! This recipe is definitely for all those sweet-tooths! It’s fun, it’s customisable, it’s colourful and it is most delicious! How did it come about? So, I was going to make a chocolate refrigerator cake and realised that as I’d planned to use the biscuits for the…

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cookie dough

A tasty little bit of fun everyone will love.

Cookie Dough! Sometimes you just need to do something different and this week that came in the form of cookie dough! I remember baking with my late Mum and being ‘allowed’ to ‘clean’ the bowl and lick the wooden spoon, and this recipe transports me back to those days. What prompted this recipe you may ask? Well, there’s a certain…

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branch of blossom with a china egg hanging

Tasty Easter weekend baking you’ll love.

Long weekend! Whilst some of you may not have the luxury of a long weekend this week, here in the UK there are two extra days to the weekend! Good Friday (tomorrow) and Easter Monday (after the weekend). Spring is really in the air and traditionally this is the time when families get together for meals – perhaps the first…

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Puff pastry pie

Make an easy delicious fruit pie!

Pies! This week we’re going sweet! Of course, you can have savoury pies and have them for dinner (or lunch), but today we are going easy and sweet! I already have several pie recipes on here, but this one is a bit different! Okay, so maybe you have a different name for this, but pastry and a filling is pie…

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fondue chocolate

Time for easy tasty chocolatey fun!

Chocolate Fondue! Yes indeed, we’ve gone back in time for a week! I’m blaming the local radio for this one after their chat about retro gadgets! The topic of fondue sets came up and one of the hosts was utterly baffled! Can you imagine not knowing the joy of dipping tasty treats into melty goodness? Anyway, it got me reminiscing…

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