Browsing Category : sweet

blueberry pie

Did you know blueberries are great for pie?!

Blueberry Pie Day! If you are in the USA this may come of no surprise, but here in the UK blueberry pie is something you may not have heard of, let alone tried! Every year, 28th April (this year on Friday) marks National Blueberry Pie day! Well, I love blueberries and I love pie, so I thought absolutely we will…

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Treat someone you love with these easy chocolate truffles.

Chocolate. Today as this is typically known as Easter week, I had great plans of sharing some chocolate recipes with you… but I might have eaten everything I made before they saw the camera! Instead, I will give you a very quick easy and tasty recipe for some nutty chocolate truffles! Chocolate Truffles by Pelageia Zelenina on Pexels The Chocolate…

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pancake stack

Get ready for pancake day with the best pancakes

Pancake day. Happy Pancake Day! Today Tuesday 21st February 2023 is Pancake Day! Also known as Shrove Tuesday, this is an annual event celebrated in the UK and several other countries around the world. The tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday dates back to the Middle Ages when people would use up ingredients like eggs, milk, and sugar before…

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Even vegans can love burns night.

What is Burns Night? Burns Night is a traditional Scottish holiday that celebrates the life and poetry of Robert Burns, the country’s national poet. If you’re following a vegan lifestyle, or partaking in Veganuary, you may be wondering how to celebrate this holiday without eating any animal products. There are always alternatives of course and there are plenty of delicious…

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ginger cookies

Bake some seasonal cookies everyone will love.

Baking to do. If you are anything like me, you have 101 things to be getting on with at this time of year, so I will try to keep this short! Of course, one of those things includes baking and at this time of year, besides anything and everything mincemeat, it has to be cookies! Dreaming of the delicious aromas…

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crispy squares

4 ingredient easy Halloween snack with marshmallow and chocolate

Crispy Squares. Sometimes a little bit of reminiscing is a great thing! When I was younger, we used to make all kinds of sweet foods. One of my favourites that my late Mum used to make was a crispy chocolate cereal base topped with angel delight. Apt for this time of year, it was usually a green topping (mint flavoured),…

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Focus and make time for all delicious things Seasonal!

Pumpkins! Green pumpkins! White pumpkins! Yellow pumpkins! Stripy pumpkins! Okay, and orange pumpkins! Firstly, if you have a pumpkin field, farm or farm shop near you. Go and have a look! There are so many different varieties of pumpkin, each with their own unique flavour profile. Some pumpkins (aka squash) taste like courgette, some like marrow (there’s other things I…

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coffee and cake

Cake, cake and more cake! Support a Macmillan Coffee Morning.

Macmillan Coffee Morning If you are in the UK, you are probably aware that the end of September is always when Macmillan Cancer Support host their coffee morning weekend. If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you will know that it has become an annual event for us. You can check out our 2020 Macmillan coffee morning here,…

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red velvet cupcakes

Bake off is back: Love this red velvet cake

Cake. There is always time for cake. Cake for birthdays. Coffee morning cakes. Cake for parties. Afternoon tea cakes. Cake for bake off! So, the Great British Bake Off is back for another series so today I’m sharing a current recipe with you! Red Velvet cake is ‘velvet’ due to the texture of the crumb being softer than a traditional…

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