Browsing Category : life

Feeling lonely and fed up…

Feeling lonely and fed up At some point or another, we all experience the feeling of being lonely and fed up! Really, you are not alone in feeling like that! Especially in these uncertain Covid-19 times, we all get feelings of anxiousness, loneliness and FOMO (fear of missing out)! Surely it’s just me? No! I can assure you that it…

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Let’s talk about Plastic!

Let’s talk about Plastic! Yes, it is most definitely time, so let’s talk about plastic! Many of you may have seen my instagram post this week where I reposted about correct disposal of PPE! I also attended an online meeting where all kinds of plastic related things were discussed! Although usually I post a recipe on a Friday, today I…

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Stay safe, be happy, look after yourself

The world is slowly adapting to what is to become the new normal… at least for now. Most countries have put procedures in place, new rules and regulations which many deem as restrictive. Whilst we may or may not agree with the actions and the speed of which these are implemented, only time will tell if they are useful and…

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My FoodSavvy Challenge: Greatest Tips you’ll Love!

I was going to start, by saying that my #FoodSavvy challenge is over, then I realised that actually it’s only just begun! 😀 What is #FoodSavvy? Many of you will know that for the past 4 weeks, I have been an ambassador for the FoodSavvy challenge run by the environmental charity Hubbub, in conjunction with Suffolk county council and Norfolk…

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What are your greatest Food Savvy tips?

As many of you will know, I have been taking part in the #FoodSavvy challenge organised through the environmental charity Hubbub in conjunction with Suffolk County Council and Norfolk County Council. What’s it all about? The campaign is to create awareness around Food Waste and Single-Use food plastic, issues which totally fit in with the Life Diet Health way of life! 😀…

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valentines day card

YOU are special, you know that!

So today, February 14th is a day which brings mixed emotions for lots of people. This week on the radio they have been talking about it (it being Valentines Day)! being a day for single people! I’m not sure I agree with that, do you? I’d say it’s more a day for couples, but that’s my own opinion. Having said…

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Save more money with the Food Savvy challenge!

Food Savvy I hear you ask? What is that? In October last year, I received an email from the environmental charity Hubbub asking if I would be interested in joining their campaign to reduce food waste at home. Well, of course, this ties in perfectly with everything we are trying to achieve at Life Diet Health: creating meals from scratch;…

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Round up of this busy weekend – enjoy!

What a lot of things to celebrate this weekend! Here’s a quick round up of a few things that you could be celebrating! Firstly I’d totally recommend making yourself a haggis (a healthy, meat free version)! to celebrate Burns night on 25th January! Have a look here for our go to recipe! Just in case you are not familiar with…

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Start as you mean to go on…

How is your new year going so far? Have you made resolutions and broken them already? This must be the first year that I haven’t set any… yet! 😛 Okay, so I always have a plan, or a list, of things I want to achieve in the year. Usually, this is a rehash of the year before! However, this year,…

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