What a lot of things to celebrate this weekend! Here’s a quick round up of a few things that you could be celebrating!
Firstly I’d totally recommend making yourself a haggis (a healthy, meat free version)! to celebrate Burns night on 25th January! Have a look here for our go to recipe! Just in case you are not familiar with Burns night, here’s the end of the Burn’s poem traditionally performed (in Original Scottish) before serving the haggis:
Ye Pow’rs, wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies:
But, if ye wish her gratefu prayer,
Gie her a Haggis
Of course, we much prefer our vegan friendly version without the sheeps heart, liver and lungs – but if you wish to try a traditional one… you’re very brave!

Also this weekend sees the beginning of the Chinese New Year! Now, the first day of the New Year also falls on 25th January this year, but as the celebrations go on for 15 whole days, you’ve plenty of time to celebrate! This year is the Chinese Year of the Rat. If you’re not up on the story of Chinese Years, check out this very simple version with pictures! We would recommend making something tasty such as our Salt & Chilli Tofu or Satay Vegetables, or a simple noodle dish with lots of tamari and vegetables.

If you don’t fancy either of these ideas and you are in the UK, it would be amazing if you could get involved with the #BigGardenBirdwatch this weekend. You just need to spend one hour counting all the birds that land in the garden (or in a park if you don’t have a garden) and record them. You can complete this at anytime from Saturday 25th to Monday 27th January inclusive. So, go and clean your bird feeders and tables, put some fresh food and water out, settle down with a cuppa and see what comes into the garden! 😀

We hope this has given you some ideas for this weekend and we REALLY hope you’ll join in the bird-watch and tell everyone else to too! 🙂
Great post!
Thank you!